Year: 2013
Paul Goldstein Named 2013 Harper Lee Prize Winner
Paul Goldstein’s Havana Requiem has been awarded the 2013 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction. Click here to read more.
Professor Pam Pierson on Zimmerman Prosecution
Professor Pierson was recently interviewed on NPR’s Tell Me More regarding the George Zimmerman trial. “I think the government’s got a weak case and it hinges on that intent element. That government has got to prove that, of course, that he killed – that Zimmerman killed Trayvon, but that he did so – and here’s…
Professor Ron Krotoszynski: Commentary on Shelby Co. v. Holder Decision
The Supreme Court of the United States, in a 5-4 decision, struck down the preclearance formula used to determine which state and local jurisdictions must pre-clear changes in voting procedures with the U.S. Department of Justice. This is clearly a landmark decision that will have important effects on voting rights in the United States for…
Professor Fred Vars: A Different Angle on the Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
“There are two types of institutions: ones people want to get into and ones people want to get out of. In both cases equality can be achieved only by opening the door. The struggles and successes of patients at Bryce are far less well known than the events across town, but connected to them in…
Top Three Finalists Named for the 2013 Harper Lee Prize
The three finalists have been announced by the University of Alabama School of Law and the ABA Journal, co-sponsors of the Harper Lee Prize. They are: David Ellis for The Wrong Man; Paul Goldstein author of Havana Requiem and William Landay for Defending Jacob. You can help choose the 2013 winner by voting on the . The winner…
Montré Carodine Named in Top 50 Under 50
The online Journal, Lawyers of Color, named Associate Dean for Special Programs & Professor of Law, MontréCarodine as one of the most influential minority law professors underage 50.
Visiting Professor Caryl Yzenbaard to Teach Decedents’ Estates Summer 2013
Professor Yzenbaard received her J.D. degree from the University of Michigan College of Law and her B.A. from Hope College (Holland, Michigan) with majors in Political Science and Latin. She was an associate with the Cincinnati firm of Taft, Stettinius and Hollister (Cincinnati, Ohio) and with Dykema & Gossett (Detroit, Michigan). Currently, she teaches at…
LL.M. Concentrations in Taxation and Business Transactions Offered Online
The Law School’s Graduate Department offers two exceptional LL.M. programs through live, interactive Internet technologies. Students receive skills-based instruction taught by respected professors and practitioners throughout the country without having to leave their offices. The tax program permits students to focus on courses in estate planning or business tax. The course of study for the…
Letters From Birmingham Jail: the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter
Professor Bryan Fair, Assistant Dean Glory McLaughlin, and students Laura Chism, Jerome Dees, Erin Johnson, and Noah Jones participated in a reading of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” on April 16. Hosted by the Law School’s Public Interest Institute, the event was one of more than 200 readings conducted around the globe. Dr….
2013 Vienna Study Abroad CLE
Vienna is located in the eastern part of Austria, near the borders of Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Austrian Law Firm BINDER GRÖSSWANG will be providing the speakers. We are going to try to put together a trip UNCITRAL which is the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on Friday, July 5th. Classes…