School of Law Logo7:53am 02/08/2025

Year: 2013

  • Professor Morriss Conducts Analysis of Cayman’s Labor Market

    Andrew Morriss, D. Paul Jones, Jr. & Charlene Angelich Jones Chairholder of Law, was commissioned by Caymans Finance to conduct an analysis of Cayman’s labor market that would explain characteristics of, and the differences among, the three main revenue-producing industries (financial, tourism, construction) and the impact of Cayman’s immigration policies on each. Read Professor Morriss’ analysis…

  • Michael Allen (’00) Authors Book About American Intelligence Post 9/11

    Michael Allen, a 2000 graduate of the Law School, recently authored Blinking Red: Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence After 9/11. Allen formerly worked as majority staff director of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, director for the Bipartisan Policy Center’s National Security Preparedness Group (the successor to the 9/11 Commission) and filled various national…

  • 2013 End of Year Giving Information

    Planning to make a gift before the end of the year? Click here to ensure your gift is received by December 31, 2013 for maximum tax credit. As you consider your charitable gifts between now and the end of the year, remember that gifts made now could generate income tax deductions that may help reduce…

  • Watch the Fall 2013 Albritton Lecture Given by Justice Elena Kagan

    On October 4, Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan presented the Fall 2013 Albritton Lecture.  Click here to view footage from the lecture. Thank you to C-SPAN for providing wonderful coverage of the Fall 2013 Albritton Lecture given by Justice Elena Kagan.

  • Professor Morriss: “Should Congress move quickly to pass comprehensive climate change legislation?”

    Professor Morriss’ most recent op-ed has gone viral, being picked up by over 54 news papers internationally.  In this opinion piece he addresses the call for Congress to pass comprehensive climate change legislation.  Professor Morriss opines, “Congress should not waste time debating a comprehensive climate change legislation in the coming year.” Read the entire article “Rapidly…

  • Assoc. Dean Carodine Interviewed Again About BP Litigation for NPR’s Morning Edition

    Associate Dean Montre Carodine was recently interviewed by NPR’s Morning Edition regarding the ongoing BP Oil Spill Trial.  Listen to the full interview. 

  • Dan Joyner’s Blog Honored by the ABA Journal

    The editors of the American Bar Association Journal announced the selection of The University of Alabama Law School Professor Dan Joyner’s online blog, Arms Control Law, as one of the top 100 best blogs for a legal audience. The official announcement can be found at Professor Joyner’s blog,, provides analysis and discussion of international…

  • The Intersection of Law & Neuroscience

    Professor Michael Pardo’s book, Minds, Brains, and Law: The Conceptual Foundations of Law and Neuroscience, co-authored by Dennis Patterson, was recently published by Oxford University Press.  The book explores several philosophical issues at the intersection of law and neuroscience.  It examines and critically assesses arguments for an increased role for neuroscience at the levels of…

  • 1L Student Discovers a Passion for Public Interest Law

    Hannah Hicks, a 1L at the Law School and a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship, found a passion for social justice as an undergraduate and has plans to turn her passion into a career. Read more about Hannah here.

  • Professor Vars: “Symptom-Based Gun Control”

    Professor Fred Vars recently participated in a symposium on the Second Amendment at UConn School of Law. Professor Vars presents his paper, “Symptom-Based Gun Control”.