- Interview by John Kiernan Senior Editor at WalletHub.com for a story about state and local taxation.
- Radio Interview, American Perspective (January 23, 2008)
Recent Articles, Book Reviews, Book Chapters, and Briefs
- Moral Reflections on Twenty-first Century Tax Policy Trends, 52 Cumberland Law Review 1 (2021).
- “Revelation Road: A Professor Hits the Campaign Trail” published in the Fall 2012 edition of Reflections Magazine of the Yale Divinity School.
- “The Vast Injustice Perpetuated by State and Local Tax Policy” (37 Hofstra Law Review 117-156 (and 113 pages of empirical tables) (2008)).<!– “Click Here” for an update using 2008 tax law and 2006 income levels of Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in All 50 States by Robert S. McIntyre and Matthew Gardner of The Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (prepared in April 2008 specially for this article). –>
- “An Argument for Providing Drug Courts in all Alabama Counties Based on Judeo-Christian Ethics“, published in No. 4 of Vol. 59 Alabama Law Review 1305-1321 (2008).
- “A Tale of Two Alabamas: A Review of ALABAMA IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Wayne Flynt “, published in No. 5 of Vol. 58 Alabama Law Review 1103-1160 (2007).
- “An Evaluation of Federal Tax Policy Based on Judeo-Christian Ethics“, 25 Virginia Tax Review 671-764 (Winter 2006)
- “A Moral Perspective on “Big Businesses’” Fair Share of America’s Tax Burden“, published in Volume 1 of the University of St. Thomas Law Journal (Spring 2004).
- “The Book That Could Change Alabama: A Review of INSIDE ALABAMA: A PERSONAL HISTORY OF MY STATE by Harvey H. Jackson III” published in Volume 56 of the Alabama Law Review (Fall 2004).
- “Constitutional Reform in Alabama: A Necessary Step Toward Achieving A Fair and Efficient Tax Structure“, a working paper submitted to the Committee on Taxation and Debt of the Alabama Citizens Commission for Constitutional Reform in December 2002 and published in Volume 33 of the Cumberland Law Review (2003).
- “The Story of LLCs: Combining the Best Features of a Flawed Business Tax Structure” in BUSINESS TAX STORIES: AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT TEN LEADING DEVELOPMENTS IN CORPORATE AND PARTNERSHIP TAXATION (Foundation Press, 2005).
- “Brief of Amici Curiae Law Professors and Historians With Specialized Knowledge of Alabama’s State and Local Tax Structure and Alabama’s 1901 Constitution Urging Reversal in Support of Appellants” filed in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit on May 16th 2005 for the case of John F. Knight, and Alease S. Sims, et al., v. State of Alabama, et al., on appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.
Editorials, Sermons and Essays
- “The Alabama Supreme Court affects the lives of all Alabamians” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in March of 2009)
- “Yertle offers lessons to Alabama” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in November and December of 2008)
- “Resegregation and Tax Reform” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in September and October of 2007)
- “The entry way into Alito’s judicial soul” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in February of 2007)
- “Alabama is a Long Way From Being Truly Pro-Life” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in April of 2006);
- “A Fair Tax: How Bush’s Policy Falls Short” (Christian Century Magazine, April 18, 2006)
- “Tax Policy Offends Christian Values” (Metro, March 15, 2006)
- “A Spiritual Quandary” (Birmingham News, November 13, 2005)
- “Alabama Poverty Project Offers New Hope to the Old Problem of Poverty in Alabama” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in January of 2005).
- “The Book That Could Change Alabama” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in September of 2004).
- “Tax Policy as a Moral Issue Under Judeo-Christian Ethics” (essay delivered as the 2004 Swig Lecture published in pamphlet form by the Swig Judaic studies Program, University of San Francisco, September 14, 2004).
- “Why Tax Policy Matters” (editorial published in PRISM Magazine, September/October 2004).
- “A Chance to Build a New Path” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in May of 2004).
- “Seeking Justice and Rendering Unto Caesar” (sermon, February 2004).
- “Democracy Devouring Itself” (editorial published under the title of “Tax Sin Stains State” in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, September 12, 2003 and “Alabama’s Fight for Tax Justice Will Never Die” in Newsday, September 16, 2003).
- “Restoring Ourselves to God” (sermon, September 2003).
- “An Open Letter to Alabama’s Political Leaders: Only Real Tax Reform Can Save Our Children” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in March, 2003).
- “Voting yes on September 9th is the only right thing to do” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in August of 2003).
- “Seek Justice” (sermon, August 2003).
- “Constitutional Reform Essential For Real Progress in Alabama” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in November of 2002).
- “Alabamians Professing Faith in God Have a Moral Duty to Support Tax Reform” (editorial published under various titles in newspapers across Alabama in September of 2002 and reprinted in pamphlet form by Samford University under the title of: The Least of These: Tax Reform and the Commands of Faith).
Books by Susan Pace Hamill

As Certain As Death
A Fifty-State Survey of State and Local Tax Laws
- Forward and Methodology
- Reviewed in State Tax Notes, January 14, 2008
- Interviewed by BNA Tax Management Multistate Tax Report, February 22, 2008
This 600 page book surveys the state and local tax laws in each of the fifty states, discussing how each state allocates the tax burden among the poor, middle classes, and the wealthy while providing a picture of each state’s tax amnd revenue sources, public school funding as well as other characteristics including population, race, religious affiliation, family income and poverty statistics and information on the state’s major industries. Each state’s individual chapter, running approximately ten to fifteen pages, presents this information in five categories, General Information, Public Elementary-Secondary School System, Where Does The State Get Its Revenue, Legal Structures of Major Tax Sources and Burden Analysis.
To order this book call Carolina Academic Press, (800)-489-7486.

The Least of These
Fair Taxes and the Moral Duty of Christians
“An Argument for Tax Reform Based on Judeo-Christian Ethics” which was first published in the Alabama Law Review (Fall 2002) is available along with several editorials, including a front page newspaper story in the Wall Street Journal, in paperback under the title, The Least of These: Fair Taxes and the Moral Duty of Christians (2003). See also Addendum (Fall 2007, Alabama Law Review).
To order the book, call Crane Hill Publishers, (205)-714-3007, extension 28.