School of Law Logo12:37am 03/07/2025

Professor Krotoszynski Analyzes Attacks On Federal Judiciary In Washington Post Op-Ed

For weeks, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has been urging state court judges to ignore a federal court order lifting the ban on gay marriage, and on Sunday he ordered the state’s probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

Prof. Ron Krotoszynski writes in a Washington Post op-ed that it’s not the first time an Alabama public official has attacked the federal judiciary.

“Moore’s conduct echoes the shameless judge-baiting that George C. Wallace used, to great political effect, during the civil rights era against Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr., who served with great distinction on the federal district court in Montgomery. While a state circuit judge, Wallace feigned defiance of Johnson’s order to deliver county voting records to federal voting rights commissioners.”

For more, read “A Judge Alabama Can Be Proud Of.”