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October 2018


A New Name for the Next Great Era

On September 20, 2018, the Law School announced that it has received a transformative gift from Hugh F. Culverhouse, Jr. The gift is the largest in The University of Alabama’s 187-year history, and it will help develop innovative programming, enhance the physical presence of the Law Center, increase scholarship support for students, and renovate the Bounds Law Library.

“I cannot be more pleased, nor more humbled, to announce that Hugh F. Culverhouse, Jr., of Coral Gables, Florida, has made a monumental donation of $26.5 million to support the Law School,” said Stuart Bell, President of The University of Alabama.

Mr. Culverhouse, a native of Montgomery, Alabama, said he wants to see the Law School continue its steady rise and to compete not only with public law schools but with private institutions as well.

“I learned. I lost. I won. I appeared alone. I wrote my brief. I tried my case. I did my work. I want every student here to have the ability to do the same. I want them to have the best teachers, the best facilities. I want the ability of y’all to do what you want, and that’s why I have done this,” Culverhouse said.

A reception immediately followed the announcement, and Mr. Culverhouse greeted The University of Alabama Board of Trustee members, President Bell, and guests. The next day Mr. Culverhouse met with law students and addressed the Law School Foundation Board of Governors and the Alabama Law Alumni Society Leadership Council.

Please click the link below to view photographs from this historic event.

Class Notes

Alexia Borden (’05) has been named a 2018 Smart Honoree by the Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham.

Kitty Rogers Brown (’05) was named to B-Metro Magazine’s Top Women Attorneys list for the fourth consecutive year.

Shelby Calambokidis (’17) had her Alabama Law Review student note, “Beyond Cruel and Unusual: Solitary Confinement and Dignitary Interests,” cited by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a published statement regarding the denial of certiorari in two prisoner cases.

Linda G. Flippo (’89) was named to B-Metro Magazine’s Top Women Attorneys list for the fourth consecutive year.

Lucas B. Gambino (’99) was named General Counsel and Vice President at Coca-Cola Bottling Company United, Inc. in Birmingham.

Mary Pat Lawrence (’00) has joined Protective Life Corporation as Senior Vice President, Government Affairs.

Anil A. Mujumdar (’00) has been elected to a three-year term on the Executive Committee for the American Civil Liberties Union. The Executive Committee consists of twelve people elected from the ACLU’s National Board on which Mujumdar also serves.

TaRonda Randall (’15) has joined Bond, Schoeneck & King in the firm’s Kansas City office. She will be a part of its Collegiate Sports practice and will focus on NCAA compliance issues and infractions matters.

Edward S. Sledge IV (’03) has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the International Association of Defense Counsel Foundation. His term runs until February 2020.

Josh Torres (’08) was a member of the inaugural class to receive the International Association of Privacy Professionals new Privacy Law Specialist designation.

Nick Wilson (’15) is a member of the David tribe in the 37th season of “Survivor.”



Join us on the School of Law Front Lawn to celebrate Homecoming. The Annual Homecoming Pre-game Reception is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. and last until 6 p.m. Saturday, October 13. Event time may change based kickoff time.


Leura Canary (’81) contributed $5,129 to the Law School Clearing Fund for a use to be determined.

The Carey J. Chitwood Estate donated $26,578 to the Carey J. Chitwood Endowed Scholarship.

Laura L. Crum (’82) contributed $52,845 to the Crum Family Endowed Lecture for Law & Business.

Timothy Francis (’84) donated $10,000 to the James Timothy Francis Endowed Scholarship.

Dean Nathaniel Hansford donated $5,200 to the Camille Wright Cooke Endowed Scholarship.

William P. Jackson (’63) contributed $50,000 to the William P. Jackson, Jr. and Barbara Seignious Jackson Endowed Scholarship.

The Jane K. Lowe Charitable Foundation contributed $50,000 to the Robert Joseph and Jane Knight Lowe Scholarship.

James H. (’78) and Nancy M. Richardson donated $5,000 to the Patrick W. Richardson Memorial Scholarship.

Mark E. Schantz contributed $2,000 to his $10,000 pledge for the Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Memorial Lecture on Constitutional Rights and Liberties.

Faculty Notes

PROFESSOR WILLIAM ANDREEN continues to direct the Law School’s exchange program with the Australian National University (ANU) College of Law. Through this program, now entering its 19th year, 160 law students from Alabama have studied at the ANU, and more than 170 ANU law students have traveled to Tuscaloosa to study at our law school. In addition, nearly 30 faculty members from the two schools have taught in the exchange. In July-August of this year, 10 students from Culverhouse Law at Alabama traveled to Canberra to take a course surveying Australian Law taught by the ANU’s faculty and a Comparative Statutory Interpretation course that was team-taught by Professor Andreen and Miriam Gani from the ANU faculty. Law students also visited the Australian High Court, the Australian Parliament, and the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory, as well as the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Professor Andreen participated this summer in the Annual Meeting of the Center for Progressive Reform, peer reviewed the next volume of the Land Use and Environment Law Review, and revised his chapter on Alabama Water Law (and the Water Wars), which appears in Volume 4 of Waters and Water Rights (LexisNexus).

PROFESSOR JENNY CARROLL testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on September 14, 2018. She testified regarding impediments to voting in Alabama following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder. Professor Carroll, who also serves as the Chair of the Alabama State Advisory Committee to the Civil Rights Commission, testified regarding proposed solutions to the impediments. Alabama was one of a dozen states that contributed to a national report on enfranchisement released by the Commission on September 12, 2018, and was one of three states asked to present live testimony. In addition, Professor Carroll attended a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus on September 13, 2018, where she presented a summary of testimony received to date by the Alabama State Advisory Committee on the state of voting rights in Alabama and participated in workshops on criminal justice and education reform.

PROFESSOR RICHARD DELGADO had an article accepted in UC-Davis Law Review, his third in the last 18 months. Entitled “J’Accuse: An Essay on Animus,” the article considers executive statements and actions expressing contempt or hatred for a minority group.

He and Jean Stefancic spoke on executive animus at a Presidential Panel at the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Philadelphia, August 2018. Entitled “Feeling Race: An Invitation to Explore Racialized Emotions,” the meeting drew over 5500 sociologists from around the world.

The administrators of the Social Science Research Network notified Delgado that his papers posted on that site had been downloaded 15,000 times. They also notified Delgado and Stefancic that their paper, “CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON POLICE, POLICING, AND MASS INCARCERATION”, published in the Georgetown Law Journal, had been listed on SSRN’s Top Ten download list for Police-Community Relations. As of 12 September 2018, the paper had been downloaded 198 times.

PROFESSOR SHAHAR DILLBARY was invited by the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods to present his most recent torts scholarship. He is also scheduled to present his experimental work on causation at the George Mason School of Law’s Faculty Workshop, the European Law and Economics Conference, and the Southern Economic Association. Earlier in September, Professor Dillbary, together with Professor Yonathan Arbel, organized the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Law & Economics Association, which was hosted by the Hugh F. Culverhouse, Jr. School of Law.

PROFESSOR RONALD KROTOSZYNSKI, JR. presented “Do Words Matter?: The Limited Relevance of Constitutional Text to Securing the Freedom of Speech” at a faculty workshop at the Seattle University School of Law, on August 1, 2018. At a conference on “Privacy, Democracy, Elections, and Big Data,” sponsored by the Monash University School of Law, in Prato, Italy, on June 17-19, 2018, Krotoszynski participated on a panel considering potential regulatory responses to the problem of Big Data’s being used to distort the electoral process. His talk was titled, “Be Careful What You Wish for Because You Just Might Get It: The Need for Caution in Developing and Deploying Regulatory Responses to the Abuse of Big Data to Influence Electoral Outcomes.” Professor Krotoszynski participated in the Privacy Law Scholars’ Roundtable, at the Dauphine University School of Law, in Paris, France, on June 24-26, and at the Remedies Discussion Group, at the University of Marseille-Aix, in Aix, France, on June 26-28, 2018. At both meetings, Professor Krotoszynski presented “Privacy, Remedies, and Comity: The Emerging Problem of Global Injunctions,” which will be published next year in a forthcoming Edward Elgar book on Comparative Perspectives on Privacy Law. An elected member of the American Law Institute, Professor Krotoszynski attended and participated in the ALI’s 2018 annual meeting, in Washington, D.C, from May 20-23, 2018.

PROFESSOR PAM PIERSON, working with Michael Pepper (UA Law 2016), has expanded her stress hardiness survey to include members of the Defense Research Institute, a 20,000-plus member professional association of civil defense attorneys. Data from prior surveys, already the largest data set on stress hardiness in the legal profession, show which behaviors by lawyers are successful in managing stress. These data are reported at “Stress Hardiness and Lawyers,” 42 J. Legal Prof. 1 (2018).

PROFESSOR JOYCE WHITE VANCE published an op-ed titled, “Yes, Manafort and Cohen Are Guilty, But the Rule of Law Is Still in Danger,” in The Washington Post on August 23, 2018.

The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed by faculty in their publications or research activities are those of the author and not necessarily those of The University of Alabama or its officers and trustees. The content of faculty publications has not been approved by The University of Alabama, and the author is solely responsible for that content.