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November 2017


UA Law Receives $1.5 Million Gift for Endowed Chair

The University of Alabama School of Law is pleased to announce a $1.5 million gift from Hugh F. Culverhouse, Jr., a trial attorney, investor, and land owner in Sarasota, Florida.

The gift will establish the Hugh F. Culverhouse, Jr. Chair in Constitutional Law and will serve as the foundation for a center for constitutional studies. Culverhouse’s father, Hugh F. Culverhouse, Sr., is a 1947 graduate of Alabama Law.

The younger Culverhouse said his desire to fund an endowed chair in constitutional law springs from his love of the Constitution and his respect for Mark E. Brandon, dean of Alabama Law, “who has devoted his life to the study and teaching of the U.S. Constitution.”

“My love comes from being a trial lawyer since 1975 and seeing the document live in my work as a federal prosecutor and as a federal criminal defense attorney,” he said. “As I matured, I realized the importance of the Constitution in providing checks and balances in governing this nation. This document is ever moving in its interpretation and yet never moving in its principles.”

Class Notes

Jenna M. Bedsole (’97) received the 2017 Nina Miglionico “Paving the Way” Leadership Award from the Women Lawyers Section of the Birmingham Bar Association.

Stan Cash (’72) was named a Local Litigation Star in Benchmark Litigation 2018.

Scott Connally (’12) has joined Maynard Cooper & Gale as an Associate in the Insurance and Financial Services Litigation Group.

Madison Davis (’15) has joined Huie as an Associate in the Workers’ Compensation Practice Group.

Brandon K. Essig (’02) has been named a Veteran of Influence for 2017 by the Birmingham Business Journal.

Jill Ganus (’91) has been appointed to the position of Jefferson County District Judge by Governor Kay Ivey.

Bridget E. Harris (’17) has joined Lightfoot, Franklin & White, LLC as an Associate in the firm’s Birmingham office.

Daniel H. Markstein, III (’66) received the Band 1 Leading Individuals accolade in the area of Private Wealth Law by Chambers and Partners in its inaugural High Net Worth guide.

De Martenson (’71) was named a Local Litigation Star in Benchmark Litigation 2018.

Logan T. Matthews (’16) has joined Lightfoot, Franklin & White, LLC as an Associate in the firm’s Birmingham office.

Hannah McGee (’17) has joined Maynard Cooper & Gale as a Real Estate Associate in the firm’s Birmingham office.

Travis Ramey (’11) has been appointed by the Alabama Supreme Court to serve on the Court’s Standing Committee on the Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure.

Alexa Stabler (’12) has been certified as an agent by the National Football League Players Association and has launched Stabler Sports, an agency dedicated to building better lives for athletes and their families.

Kacey Weddle (’13) has joined Maynard Cooper & Gale in the firm’s Litigation Section.


Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP donated $7,900 to the Farrah Law Alumni Society on behalf of the firm’s Alabama Law graduates.

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP contributed $13,000 to the Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Endowed Scholarship.

Jane J. Shipper and Michael M. Shipper pledged $10,000 to The University of Alabama Law School Foundation to establish the David Walter Shipper Memorial Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship will honor the memory David Walter Shipper (’95) and promote the education of full-time students enrolled at Alabama Law.

Faculty Notes

PROFESSOR BILL ANDREEN presented a paper titled, “Bridging the Gap Between Aspiration and Accomplishment Under the Clean Water Act,” at the 18th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation in Tucson, Arizona on September 28, 2017. He also made a presentation on “Water Policy in the Trump Administration” at the 27th Annual Conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists, which was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on October 6, 2017. In addition, he gave “An Update on the Waters of the United States Rule” at the University of Alabama School of Law’s “Water Resources Law Symposium” on August 25, 2017. Finally, Professor Andreen published a co-authored article titled, “The History and Current Status of the Tri-State Water Wars, in 19 ABA Water Resources Committee Newsletter (ABA Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources) August 2017, at 3.

PROFESSOR AL BROPHY spoke at Washington and Lee University on September 28 on “Debating Slavery and Freedom at Washington College before the Civil War.”

PROFESSOR RICHARD DELGADO signed a contract to produce a Jurisprudence Nutshell for West Law Group. The administrators of SSRN notified Professor Delgado that he ranks in the top ten percent (actually .24 percent) of all 330,000 users on the website.

PROFESSOR MIRIT EYAL-COHEN presented her paper titled, “In Defense of Intrapreneurship: Knowledge Spillover, Human Capital, and R&D Tax Incentives,” at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Law & Economics Association (MLEA) October 20-21, 2017, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The paper is the first to offer a taxonomy of innovation agency. In the private market, most entrepreneurs are creative individuals, who are alert to certain opportunities for discovering new combinations, technologies, and processes. Yet intrapreneurship-where employees in established conglomerates produce innovations-may also provide opportunities for such advancements. After examining the pillars of innovation agency, this Article focuses on demystifying intrapreneurial firms as greenhouses to future entrepreneurs. It then proposes refining current innovation policies to match the type of inefficiency and innovation agency they seek to foster.

PROFESSOR DAN JOYNER presented a paper at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athens, Greece), at a conference on International Investment Law and the Law of Armed Conflict. His presentation focused on the International Law Commission’s 2011 Draft Articles on the Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties.

PROFESSOR RON KROTOSZYNSKI, JR. presented the ABA Administrative Law Section’s 2017 Annual Scholarship Award to Professor Eloise Pasachoff, of the Georgetown University Law Center faculty, at the section’s annual fall meeting, in Washington, D.C. Professor Krotoszynski currently chairs the section’s Annual Scholarship Award Committee. On October 4, 2017, he presented, “The Dark Art of Article Placement and Some Practical Observations on Effectively Marketing and Promoting Your Published Legal Scholarship,” to the law faculty at the Texas A & M School of Law, in Fort Worth, Texas.

The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed by faculty in their publications or research activities are those of the author and not necessarily those of The University of Alabama or its officers and trustees. The content of faculty publications has not been approved by the University of Alabama, and the author is solely responsible for that content.