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Volume 61

Issue 1

Elizabeth Chamblee Burch, Litigating Groups

Ronald J. Colombo, Cooperation with Securities Fraud

Bret D. Asbury, Law as Palimpsest: Conceptualizing Contingency in Judicial Opinions

Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr., A Man for All Seasons: Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr. and the Quest to Secure the Rule of Law

Erik Harris, Note, Discovery of Portable Electronic Devices

Issue 2

William A. Drennan, Surnamed Charitable Trusts: Immortality at Taxpayer Expense

Lee-ford Tritt, Technical Correction or Tectonic Shift: Competing Default Rule Theories Under the New Uniform Probate Code

Frederick Mark Gedicks, Truth and Consequences: Mitt Romney, Proposition 8, and Public Reason

Jennifer A. Hanson, Note, The Academic Medical Center Exception to the Stark Law: Compliance by Teaching Hospitals

Breanna R. Harris, Note, Veiled in Textual Neutrality: Is That Enough? A Candid Reexamination of the Constitutionality of Section 4454 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997

James W. Wright, Jr., Note, Making State Religious Freedom Restoration Amendments Effective

Issue 3

Robert H. Lande, New Options for State Indirect Purchaser Legislation: Protecting the Real Victims of Antitrust Violations

Lisa Vertinsky, Comparing Alternative Institutional Paths to Patent Reform

Geoffrey A. Manne, Assuming More than We Know About Innovation Markets: A Review of Michael Carrier’s Innovation in the 21st Century

Joshua D. Wright and Aubrey N. Stuempfle, Patent Holdup, Antitrust, And Innovation: Harness Or Noose?

Phillip J. Weiser, What Carrier Doesn’t Address

Daniel A. Crane, Per Se Illegality for Reverse Payment Patent Settlements?

Brett M. Frischmann, Review of Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law

Dennis Crouch, Reviewing Part III of Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law

F. Scott Kieff, An Inconvenient School of Thought

Michael A. Carrier, Innovation for the 21st Century: A Response to Seven Critics

Tempe Smith, Note, Going to Seed?: Using Monsanto as a Case Study to Examine the Patent and Antitrust Implications of the Sale and Use of Genetically Modified Seeds

Brannan W. Reaves, Note, Minority Shareholder Oppression in the Venture Capital Industry: What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

Issue 4

Carol Pauli, Killing the Microphone: When Broadcast Freedom Should Yield to Genocide Prevention

Scott R. Bauries, Is There an Elephant in the Room?: Judicial Review of Educational Adequacy and the Separation of Powers in State Constitutions

Sandra F. Sperino, A Modern Theory of Direct Corporate Liability for Title VII

Susan Pace Hamill, Essay, Ethics Reform in Alabama

Matthew H. Kramer, Freedom and the Rule of Law

Allison L. Collins, Note, “I Will Not Pronounce You Husband and Husband”: Justice and the Justice of the Peace

Kimberly Diane White, Note, Covenant Marriage: An Unnecessary Second Attempt at Fault-Based Divorce

Issue 5

Daniel J. Meador, The Supreme Court Of Alabama-Its Cahaba Beginning, 1820-1825

David Reiss, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Future of Federal Housing Finance Policy: A Study of Regulatory Privilege

Eric S. Knutsen, Confusion about Causation in Insurance: Solutions for Catastrophic Losses

Jeffrey M. Hirsch, Revolution in Pragmatist Clothing: Nationalizing Workplace Law

Mechele Dickerson, Vanishing Financial Freedom

H. Chandler Combest, Note, Symbolism as Savior: A Look at the Impact of the IRS Ban on Political Activity by Tax-Exempt Religious Organizations

James Findley, Note, The Debate over Nonlawyer Probate Judges: A Historical Perspective

Raley L. Wiggins, Note, Adeemed If You Do, Adeemed If You Don’t: The Testator’s Intent to Passively Revoke a Specific Devise