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Volume 58

Issue 1

Jebediah Purdy, The Promise (and Limits) of Neuroeconomics

Edward J. Imwinkelried, Draft Article V of the Federal Rules of Evidence on Privileges, One of the Most Influential Pieces of Legislation Never Enacted: The Strength of the Ingroup Loyalty of the Federal Judiciary

Amy J. Schmitz, Embracing Unconscionability’s Safety Net Function

Colleen P. Murphy, Money as a “Specific” Remedy

Chris Sanders, Commentary, Censorship 101: Anti-Hazelwood Laws and the Preservation of Free Speech at Colleges and Universities

Adam Gordon Brimer, Commentary Getting Wired at the SEC: Reforming the Proxy Process to Account for New Technologies

Issue 2

Aric Short, Post-Acquisition Harassment and the Scope of the Fair Housing Act

Michael Lewyn, New Urbanist Zoning for Dummies

Steven J. Cleveland, An Economic and Behavioral Analysis of Investment Bankers When Delivering Fairness Opinions

Daniel P. Tokaji, Intent and Its Alternatives: Defending the New Voting Rights Act

Terry M. Ao, When the Voting Rights Act Became Un-American: The Misguided Vilification of Section 203

Valerie Combs, Commentary, The Law of Intermediated Securities: U.C.C. Versus UNIDROIT

Royal Dumas, Commentary, The Muddled Mettle of Jurisprudence: Race and Procedure in Alabama’s Appellate Courts, 1901-1930

Ginger Carroll, Commentary, Thinking Small: Adjusting Regulatory Burdens Incurred by Small Public Companies Seeking to Comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Issue 3

Geoffrey A. Manne, The Hydraulic Theory of Disclosure Regulation and Other Costs of Disclosure

Anita S. Krishnakumar, Towards a Madisonian, Interest-Group Based, Approach to Lobbying Regulation

William S. Brewbaker, III, Thomas Aquinas and the Metaphysics of Law

William Walton Liles, Commentary, Challenges to Federal Disenfranchisement Laws: Past, Present, and Future

Rachel Grace Stabler, Commentary, Adding Insult to Injury: Opportunities for Fraud in the Katrina-Related Government Contracts Under the False Claims Act

William T. Paulk, Commentary, Mitigation Through Employment in Personal Injury Cases: The Application of the “Reasonable” Standard and the Wealth Effects of Remedies

Survey of 2005-2006 Developments in Alabama Caselaw

Issue 4

Richard A. Epstein, Essay, How to Create-or Destroy-Wealth in Real Property

David Frisch, Rational Retroactivity in a Commercial Context

Nathan Alexander Sales, Secrecy and National Security Investigations

Joshua Stephen Thompson, Commentary, Critical Habitat Under the Endangered Species Act: Designation, Re-designation, and Regulatory Duplication

Meaghan Elizabeth Ryan, Commentary, Do You Have the Right to Remain Silent?: The Substantive Use of Pre-Miranda Silence

Marcus R. Chatterton,

Issue 5

Alfred L. Brophy, Wythe Holt: Teacher and Colleague

Norman Stein, A Swinger of Birches: A View of Wythe from Without

Morton Horwitz, Wythe Holt

John Henry Schlegel, CLS Wasn’t Killed by a Question

Christopher Tomlins, The Threepenny Constitution (and the Question of Justice)

Wythe Holt, George Wythe: Early Modern Judge

Kenneth M. Rosen, Fiduciaries

Deborah A. DeMott, Disloyal Agents

John H. Langbein, Why Did Trust Law Become Statute Law in the United States?

Jill E. Fisch, Fiduciary Duties and the Analyst Scandals

Susan Pace Hamill, Review, A Tale of Two Alabamas

Kevin R. Garrison, Commentary, The Ins and Outs of the Alabama Elective Share

Daniel M. Murdock, Commentary, A Compelling State Interest: Constructing a Statutory Framework for Protecting the Identity of Rape Victims

R. Harrison Smith, Commentary, A Key Time for Qui Tam: The False Claims Act and Alabama