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Volume 52


Peter David Blanck and Michael Millender, The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Ten-Year Retrospective

Before Disability Civil Rights: Civil War Pensions and the Politics of Disability in America 

Mary Crossley, Becoming Visible: The ADA’s impact on Health Care for Persons with Disabilities 

James Leonard, The Shadows of Unconstitutionality: How the New Federalism May Affect the Anti-Discrimination Mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act 

Michael L. Perlin, “For the Misdemeanor Outlaw”: The Impact of the ADA on the Institutionalization of Criminal Defendants with Mental Disabilities 

Laura F. Rothstein, Higher Education and the Future of Disability Policy 

Susan Stefan, Delusion of Rights: Americans with Psychiatric Disabilities, Employment Discrimination and the Americans with Disabilities Act 

Bonnie Poitras Tucker, The Supreme Court’s Definition of Disability Under the ADA: A Return to the Dark Ages 

Mark C. Weber, The Americans with Disabilities Act and Employment: A Non-Retrospective 

Rodrigo Jimenez, The Americans with Disabilities Act and Its Impact on International and Latin-American Law 


Steven Lubet, John Brown’s Trial 

Jed Michael Silversmith and Jack Achiezer Guggenheim, Between Heaven and Earth: The Interrelationship Between Intellectual Property Rights and the Religion Clauses for the First Amendment 

Jeffrey W. Stempel, Politics and Sociology in Federal Civil Rulemaking: Errors of Scope 

Saul Levmore, Speculating Law: Beyond Cigarettes and Swiss Banks 

William L. Campbell, Jr., Commentary, Moving Against the Tide: An Analysis of Home School Regulation in Alabama 

Enrique J. Gimenez, Commentary, Who Watches the Watchdogs?: The Status of Newsgathering Torts Against the Media in Light of the Food Lion Reversal 

Walter Henry Clay McKay, Commentary, Reaping the Tobacco Settlement Windfall: The Viability of Future Settlement Payment Securitization as an Option for State Legislatures 

George E. Newton II, Commentary, Maintaining the Balance: Reconciling the Social and Judicial Costs of Medical Peer Review Protection 

Amy Ann Ray, Commentary, A Fox Guarding the Henhouse: A Comment on Ex Parte Panell 

Survey of 1999-2000 Developments in Alabama Case Law


Christopher A. Bracey, Louis Brandeis and the Race Question 

Lyn Entzeroth, Putting Mentally Retarded Criminal Defendant to Death: Charting the Development of a National Consensus to Exempt the Mentally Retarded from the Death Penalty 

Linda Kelly, Family Planning, American Style 

David Allan Felice, Commentary, Justice Rationed: A Look at Alabama’s Present Indigent Defense System with a Vision Towards Change

Matthew Lee Huffaker, Commentary, Recovery for Infliction of Emotional Distress: A Comment on the Mental Anguish Accompanying Such a Claim in Alabama

Stephen Daniel Kaufmann, Commentary, “Federalizing” Class Actions: The Future of the Jurisdictional Requirements for Diversity-Based Class Actions 

Evelyn Corwin McCafferty, Commentary, Age Discrimination and Sovereign Immunity: Does Kimel Signal the End of the Line for Alabama’s State Employees? 

Lynlee Wells Palmer, Trying it Again for the First Time: Judicial Treatment of Arbitral Decisions in Subsequent Title VII Cases 

Survey of 2000 Alabama Legislation


U.W. Clemon and Bryan K. Fair, Making Bricks Without Straw: The NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Development of Civil Rights Law in Alabama 1940-1980 

Janet Gilbert, Richard Grimm, and John Parnham, Applying Therapeutic Principles to a Family-Focused Juvenile Justice Model (Delinquency)

Jeffrey Evans Stake, Are We Buyers or Hosts? A Memetic Approach to the First Amendment 

Scott William Faulkner, Commentary, Still on the Backburner: Reforming the Judicial Selection Process in Alabama 

Evan William Glover, Commentary, Legitimacy of Independent Contractor Suits for Hostile Work Environment Under Section 1981 

Cheryl Crumpton Herring, Commentary, 18 U.S.C. § 666: Is It a Blank Check to Federal Authorities Prosecuting State and Local Corruption?

Kelly Burleson Rushin, Estate Planning Malpractice: Will Alabama Courts Relax the Privity Barrier? 

Mary Rebecca Tyre, Arbitration: An Employer’s License to Steal Title VII Claims?