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Volume 39

Hazing as Crime: an Empirical Analysis of Criminological Antecedents, Gregory S. Parks, Shayne E. Jones, Matthew W. Hughey

Paternalism, Social Exchange and the Law, Mark Adams, Debra D. Burke

The Rhetoric of Fear and Partisan Entrenchment, Molly J. Walker Wilson

Rationality, Insanity, and the Insanity Defense: Reflections on the Limits of Reason, Theodore Y. Blumoff

Finding Solutions to the Termination of Parental Rights in Parents with Mental Challenges, Charisa Smith

The Relationship Between Childhood Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder in Adulthood: an Argument in Favor of Mandatory Life Sentences Without Parole for Juvenile Homicide Offenders, Summer L. Davidson

Tough on Crime or Touch Luck for the Incarcerated? Exploring the Adverse Psychological Impacts of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing and Pushing for Action, Robert C. NeSmith

Social Media Selection: How Jury Consultants Can Use Social Media to Build a More Favorable Jury, Ashley R. Nance

Psycho Lawyer, Qu’est-ce Que C’est: the High Incidence of Psychopaths in the Legal Profession and Why they Thrive, Kevin B. Riech