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Volume 38

Table of Contents
Volume 38

Transgender Discrimination in the Age of Gender Dysphoria and ENDA

Matthew Bailey

The Year of Magical Thinking: Fraud, Loss, and Grief

Jayne W. Barnard

Lost Libido, or Just Forgotten? The Legal and Social Influences on Sexual Activity in Long-Term Care

Lauren Breland

Fighting Over Bedtime Stories: An Empirical Study of the Risks of Valuing Quantity over Quality in Child Custody Decisions

Mary Jean Dolan & Daniel J. Hynan

Dare Defend: Standing for Stand Your Ground

Madison Fair

Veterans Treatment Courts: Analysis and Recommendations

Alana Frederick

Character as a Process in Judgment and Decision-Making and Its Implications for the Character Evidence Prohibition in Anglo-American Law

Jonathan D. Kurland

Ripped from the Headlines: Juror Perceptions in the “Law and Order” Era

Adam Shniderman