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Volume 35

Table of Contents
Volume 35

Negative Reciprocity and Law

Rebecca Taibleson

Juries, Sex, and Emotional Affect

Charles Elliott

A Psychological Investigation of Consumer Vulnerability to Fraud: Legal and Policy Implications

Jessica M. Choplin et. al.

Subversive Apologia

Fredrick E. Vars

“Abandoned Love”: The Impact of Wyatt v. Stickney on the Intersection Between International Human Rights and Domestic Mental Disability Law

Michael L. Perlin

Wyatt v. Stickney: Did We Get It Right This Time?

Paul Davis

Drafting the Case: The Parallel Legacies of Wyatt v. Stickney and Lynch v. Baxley

Jack Drake

The 1995 Wyatt Litigation: Beginnings, Trial Strategies, and Results

Clifton Slaten

All Smoke and No Fire? Analyzing the Potential Effects of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008

John Andrew Mauldin

Home Is Where the Park Bench Is: The Psychological Benefits and Consequences of Requiring Homeless Sex Offenders to Present A Physical Address for Release from Alabama Prisons

Krista Leonard

The Missing Piece of the Autism Jigsaw Puzzle: How the Idea Should Better Address Disciplinary Procedures

Elizabeth Loefgren

Lessons from Exxon-Valdez: Employing Market Forces to Minimize the Psychological Impact on Oil Spill Plaintiffs

Lewis Robert Shreve