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Volume 22

Table of Contents
Spring 1998, Volume 22


“Oregon’s Psychiatric Security Review Board: Trouble in Paradise”

Carolyn Alexander

“The Limits of Sampling and Consolidation in Mass Tort Trials: Justice Improved or Justice Altered?”

Kenneth S. Bordens &
Irwin A. Horowitz

“Illustrated Jury Instructions: A Proposal”

Firoz Dattu

“Is It Repressed Memory with Delayed Recall or Is It False Memory Syndrome? The Controversy and Its Potential Legal Implications”

Lynn Holdsworth

“Evolutionary Biology and Strict Liability for Rape”

Brian Kennan

“Juror Perception of Experts in Civil Disputes: The Role of Race and Gender”

Amina Memon & Daniel W. Shuman

“Disclosure of a Patient’s Medical Information to Third Parties: How Much Is Too Much?”

David G. Scalise &
Kevin P. Farmer


“Warrior Mercenaries or Toy Soldiers: The Rise of Militias in the United States”

Jarrod B. Bazemore

“Bankruptcy: A Moral Dilemma for Women Debtors”

Kathy R. Davis

“Because of Sex: Same-sex Sexual Harassment Claims Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964”

Melisa C. George

“Caught in the Crossfire: Examining Legislative and Judicial Response to the Forgotten Victims of Domestic Violence”

Leslie D. Johnson

“Cloning: Now That We’ve Got It, What Do We Do With It?”

Allison M. Mays