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Volume 19

Table of Contents
Spring 1995, Volume 19


“The Liability of Mentally Disabled Tort Defendants”

Harry J.F. Korrell

“Prosecuting Sex Crimes Against Children: Time for ‘Outrageous’ Proposals?”

Roger J.R. Levesque

“Obsessive Attachment and the Victimization of Children: Can Anti-Stalking Legislation Provide Protection?”

Joseph T. McCann

“Employment Discrimination in the Public Sector Based on Sexual Orientation: Conflicts Between Research Evidence and the Law”

Sharon G. Portwood

“Mandating Community Service: Psychological Implications of Requiring Prosocial Behavior”

Mark S. Sobus

The Rights and Responsibilities of People With HIV or AIDS

“Alabama’s Confidentiality Quagmire: Psychotherapists, AIDS, Mandatory Reporting, and Tarasoff”

James Paul Sizemore

“The Legal Ramifications in Criminal Law of Knowingly Transmitting AIDS”

Lori A. David


“Hypnotically Recalled Testimony: Issues Facing Courts in Their Determination of Its Admissibility in Civil Sexual Abuse Cases”

Elizabeth Colwick

“Questioning the Reliability of Children’s Testimony: An Examination of the Problematic Elements”

Angela R. Dunn

“Smoking in the Workplace: A Conflict Between Personal Rights and Economic Realities”

G. Robert Mitchell