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Volume 16

Table of Contents
Spring 1992, Volume 16


“Worrying About Litigation: A Normative Study of College Students and the General Public”

Stanley L. Brodsky &
William F. Gianesello

“The Non-Therapeutic Psychotherapy Relationship”

Jeffrey N. Younggren &
Darlene Skorka

“Tarasoff and the Dilemma of the Dangerous Patient: New Directions for the 1990’s”

Michael L. Perlin

“Reframing the Medical Malpractice Tort Reform Debate: Social Science Research Implications for Non-Economic Reforms”

Norman G. Poythress,
Richard Wiener &
Joseph E. Schumacher

“Comprehensive Lawyer Assistance Programs: Justification and Model”

G. Andrew H. Benjamin,
Bruce D. Sales, &
Elaine Darling


“Open Adoptions: Truth and Consequences”

Laurie A. Ames

“Application of the Delayed Discovery Rule: The Only Hope for Justice for Sexual Abuse Survivors”

Tina M. Whitehead

“Reaching the Babies Through the Mothers: The Effects of Prosecution on Pregnant Substance Abusers”

Mary E. Roper

“Sexual Orientation: Should It Affect Child Custody Rulings”

Courtney R. Baggett

“Jury Traumatization in High Profile Criminal Trials: A Case for Crisis Debriefing?”

Marjorie O. Dabbs

“Alternative Sentencing in Alabama”

Ann Ashton Holmes