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Volume 15

Table of Contents
Spring 1991, Volume 15


“Opening Students’ Eyes: Visual Learning Theory in the Socratic Classroom”

William Wesley Patton

“The Control of Perinatal Drug Abuse: Legal, Psychological and Social Imperatives”

Sandra Anderson Garcia &
Ralph Segalman

“Research Essay: A Preliminary Empirical Enquiry Concerning the Prohibition of Hearsay Evidence in American Courts”

Stephan Landsman &
Richard F. Rakos

“Casting Doubt on the Operation of the Hearsay Rule: Nonverbal Conduct Intended as an Assertion”

Steven B. Goldstein

“Alcoholism in the Legal Profession: Psychological and Legal Perspectives and Interventions”

Eric Drogin

“Psychological, Cognitive, Personality and Interpersonal Factors in Jury Verdicts”

Dr. Jeffery R. Boyll


“‘Litigaphobia’ in Alabama’s State Mental Hospitals: Can Qualified Immunity Put the King’s Men Back Together Again?”

James L. Stirling, Jr.

“The Cruzan Decision – Sentenced to the Twilight Zone”

Sara N. Creed

“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Role in the Defense of Vietnam Veterans”

S. Anthony Higgins

“Sexually Abused Child Syndrome: Res Ipsa Loquitur and Shifting the Burden of Proof”

Ann M. Koszuth

“The Legal and Psychological Implications of Tracking in Education”

Twala M. Grant

“The Americans With Disabilities Act: The Effect of Title I on Employer/Employee Relations”

Charles A. Powell, IV

“The Role of Stereotyping in the Development and Implementation of the D.E.A. Drug Courier Profiles”

Gregory L. Young

“The Multiple Personality Disorder: Has This Trendy Alibi Lost Its Way?”

Jill O. Radwin

“The Vance Decision: The Future of Subliminal Communication”

Eric L. Locke