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The Law & Psychology Review invites you to subscribe to a journal which provides unique insight to the areas of law and psychology. The journal is an excellent source of reference both for individual professionals and for graduate and undergraduate programs. The broad scope of the journal allows the publication to be a useful tool for professionals and students of either discipline, for the Law & Psychology Review contains helpful articles on a variety of contemporary issues and areas of research.

Subscriptions are $14.00 per year plus $1 shipping and handling in the United States, and $14.00 per year plus $6 shipping and handling outside the United States.

To subscribe to the Law & Psychology Review, please send payment and contact information to the Business Office. All inquiries should be directed to Ms. Wendy Cox at (205) 348-1305.

Law & Psychology Review Subscription Request

University of Alabama School of Law

P.O. Box 870382

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0382