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About the Review

The Law & Psychology Review is a law journal that addresses the interplay between the disciplines of law and psychology. Founded in 1975 by law students of the University of Alabama who were concerned with the rights of the mentally disabled, the Law & Psychology Review was one of the first journals to combine the disciplines of law and the behavioral sciences. The journal has significantly developed since its establishment, such that it has recently been named by Washington & Lee University School of Law as the top student-edited law journal pertaining to both law and psychology.

The scope of the Law & Psychology Review has expanded to include a broad variety of topics, such as consent to treatment, capital punishment, the rights of juveniles, the psychological aspects of expert and character evidence, and the intricacies of juror selection and decision-making. The Managing Board of the journal consistently seeks to diversify the subjects addressed by the journal and to make available to the public quality articles and research pertaining to both psychology and law.

The Law & Psychology Review is published in the Spring of each year. The journal features articles written and researched by noted legal scholars and psychologists in addition to articles written by students. All published articles are edited by the Managing Board of the journal, and to further ensure the quality of the published articles, all articles are reviewed by professors and students of the law-psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Alabama.

Ultimately, the quality of the articles and the variety of contemporary topics found in the journal allows the Law & Psychology Review to serve as an excellent source of reference and research for individuals and for graduate and undergraduate programs involved in either discipline. Individuals and academic programs interested in subscribing to the journal or submitting an article for publication are encouraged to visit the Subscription and Submission links of this website, respectively, for additional information.