School of Law Logo12:16pm 03/06/2025

Law School Students Visit Grand Cayman

Prof. Julie A. Hill and 19 University of Alabama School of Law students recently traveled to Grand Cayman as part of the offshore financial transactions course.  Students met with more than a dozen attorneys, accountants, bankers, regulators and finance professionals. Cayman has worked to move from a jurisdiction known primarily for financial secrecy to a jurisdiction known for its expertise in complex financial transactions. The course focused on captive insurance, catastrophe bonds, securitizations and investment funds. Students in both the J.D. and LL.M. programs learned how these financial products are structured, how they are regulated and why Cayman financial products might be beneficial to future clients.  The class, operated in conjunction with the Texas A&M School of Law, is the only law school program of its kind in the United States.