School of Law Logo4:32pm 03/06/2025

Law School, Peggy Browning Fund Host Regional Workshop on Practicing Labor Law

The Law School and the Peggy Browning Fund hosted a regional workshop to introduce law students to the benefits of practicing labor law and PBF’s Summer Fellowship Program.

The event was attended by law students and Law School staff. The panelists discussed the work that they do as labor lawyers, the professional paths that led them to their current jobs, and how the PBF helps to promote careers.  The PBF offers competitive, paid summer fellowships with employment law firms and labor unions.

“It’s great when our students can hear first-hand from lawyers working in unique and inspiring settings, who are passionate about their work and their clients,” said Glory McLaughlin, Assistant Dean for Public Interest.  “I think having the PBF sponsor a panel discussion such as this is a real benefit to our students, in that it helps them visualize working in a specific setting and puts them in direct contact with attorneys in the field.”

Panelists were:

Moderator: Charlotte Garden, Visiting Professor of Law, University of Alabama
Belinda Bennett, Resident Officer, National Labor Relations Board, Region 10
Muguel Carpizo-Ituarte, Community Organizer, Greater Birmingham Ministries
Richard Rouco, Partner, Quinn, Connor, Weaver, Davies & Rouco, Alabama Law Alumnus, PBF Development Committee
Jay Smith, Partner, Gilbert & Sackman, Alabama Law Alumnus, PBF Development Committee
Nicolas Stanojevich, Associate, Quinn, Connor, Weaver, Davies & Rouco, PBF’ 14