Professor Meghan Boone Wins 2020 AALS Scholarly Papers Competition
The Association of American Law Schools has chosen Assistant Professor Meghan M. Boone as one of two recipients of the 2020 AALS Scholarly Papers Competition for law school faculty members in the field for five years or fewer.
In her article, “Reproductive Due Process,” Boone explores whether additional procedural due process protections might be constitutionally required as a precondition to the criminalization of abortion. The article will be published in an upcoming issue of The George Washington University Law Review.
“I am surprised and humbled to receive this award from AALS,” Boone said. “My hope is that the paper contributes to the already robust scholarly conversation about gender, reproduction, and the nature of rights. I am especially thankful to those who encouraged this non-traditional project and helped me to shepherd it to completion.”
Australian Students Visit Alabama Law for Exchange Program
The Law School’s Summer Exchange Program with the Australian National University (ANU) College of Law has entered its 20th year with the arrival of 10 law students from the ANU. They arrived in Tuscaloosa on January 4 for a five-week visit at the Law School.
The ANU students are taking a class on Comparative Approaches to International Law and a Survey of U.S. Law, said Professor Bill Andreen, Director of the UA-ANU Exchange Program. The comparative law class, which is also being offered to Alabama Law students, is being taught by Alabama Law Professor Dan Joyner.
In addition to their classes at the Law School, the Australian students will visit the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, the Alabama Supreme Court (including a meeting with Justice Will Sellers), the federal Courthouse in Tuscaloosa (including a meeting with Judge L. Scott Coogler), the Tuscaloosa County Jail, the Rosa Parks Museum, and the Legacy Museum in Montgomery.
For five weeks this summer, a group of 10 UA law students will travel to the ANU in Canberra, where they will take a Survey of Australian Law as well as the Comparative Approaches to International Law class. During their trip, the UA students will visit the Australian High Court, the local Supreme Court, the Commonwealth Parliament, and the local Legislative Assembly – in addition to meeting some kangaroos, koalas, and emus at a nearby nature preserve.
Alabama Law to Host Symposium on Risk-Based Gun Regulation
The Law & Psychology Review has scheduled a one-day symposium on February 21 at the Law School that will examine the recent trend of state-enacted “red flag” laws.
The symposium, Seeing Red: Risk-based Gun Regulation, will address many of the most prominent issues and concerns with red-flag legislation, including constitutional and due process concerns, the importance of language when discussing mental health and red flags, the success and efficacy of red-flag laws, the differences among reporting standards in different states, and current proposed red-flag legislation in Alabama.
Presently, seventeen states and the District of Columbia have adopted some form of law allowing the courts to issue protection orders which permit law enforcement officers to temporarily confiscate firearms or otherwise limit firearm ownership and access bypersons deemed to be a danger to themselves or others. Many other state legislatures are currently considering similar bills. The rapid growth of this area of law has created a unique and pressing set of constitutional, procedural, and psychological questions to which judges, attorneys, and law enforcement alike need answers.
ALI Elects Professor Vance as Member
The American Law Institute has elected Professor Joyce White Vance as one of its 45 new members, who will bring their expertise to the Institute’s work of clarifying the law through Restatements, Principles, and Model Codes.
“I am deeply honored to have been selected for membership with ALI and I am looking forward to being involved in projects that focus on both criminal justice reform and the rule of law,” Vance said. “The opportunity for scholarly engagement that will also offer the opportunity to impact and advance the law is very meaningful for me.”
The American Law Institute is the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and improve the law. The Institute drafts, discusses, revises, and publishes Restatements of the Law, Model Codes, and Principles of Law that are influential in the courts and legislatures, as well as in legal scholarship and education.
Alabama Law Alumni Society Banquet
Justice Robert Bernard Harwood, Jr. will receive the Pipes Award at the 2020 Alabama Law Alumni Society Banquet. The event is scheduled for 6 p.m. Friday, February 21, at The Grand Bohemian Hotel in Mountain Brook. All alumni are invited to attend the Banquet. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Cindy Rice at or at (205) 348-6775.
Interested in Organizing a Reunion for Your Class?
Milestone Classes of 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995, and 2010 may choose to host a reunion at the Law School on Saturday, March 28. Contact Event Coordinator Cindy Rice for information at (205) 348-6775.
The Alabama Pattern Jury Instructions Committee contributed $5,000 to the William C. Sullivan Scholarship.
Alan Bannister (’88) donated $7,500 to the Program for Law and Business.
Michael Finn pledged $10,000 to the Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Memorial Lecture on Constitutional Rights and Liberties.
Timothy Francis (’84) contributed $10,000 to the James Timothy Francis Scholarship.
Professor Maryellen Fullerton pledged $10,000 to the Judge Frank M. Johnson Lecture on Constitutional Rights and Liberties.
Mr. and Mrs. Fournier J. Gale III donated $10,000 to the Fournier J. “Boots” Gale III Endowed Scholarship.
Dean Nat Hansford and Frances Fincher Hansford pledged $50,000 to establish the Nathaniel Hansford and Frances Fincher Hansford Endowed Scholarship.
Joyce C. Hobbs contributed $8,5000 to the Law School Unrestricted Fund and donated $1,000 to the Alabama Law Alumni Society through the Hobbs Foundation.
The Honorable and Mrs. Truman Hobbs, Jr. (’83) donated $5,000 to the Alabama Law Alumni Society through the Hobbs Foundation.
John Hueston contributed $20,000 to the Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Memorial Lecture on Constitutional Rights and Liberties.
Stephen D. Kane (’69) donated $25,000 to the Stephen Douglas Kane Endowed Scholarship in honor of former Dean Kenneth C. Randall and contributed $10,000 to the Program for Law and Business.
The Ben May Charitable Trust donated $5,500 to the Ben May Endowed Scholarship.
David Moody and Eileen Guilfoyle pledged $10,000 to the Judge Frank M. Johnson Lecture on Constitutional Rights and Liberties.
Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow & Ireland, P.A. contributed $5,000 to the Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow & Ireland Annual Scholarship.
The Albert G. Rives Charitable Trust donated $9,417 to the Albert G. and Hester Rives Fund.
The Henry G. Sims and Henry U. Sims Memorial Fund contributed $8,000 to the Public Interest Law Fellowship.
Alyce Spruell (’86) pledged $25,000 to the Manley Servicemen and Veterans Program Endowed Support Fund.
The University of Alabama Chapter of the Order of the Coif donated $8,000 to the Order of the Coif Endowed Scholarship.
Career Services Office
Are you looking for a summer law clerk or a post-graduate associate? Our Spring 2020 Recruitment Program is now open. The Career Services Office can also place a job advertisement for you on our internal job board or connect you with a student through our STAR Program for help with research. Please contactAssistant Dean Megan Walsh for more information.
Class Notes
Simon Turner Bailey (’11) has been elevated to Partner at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP in the firm’s Jackson, Mississippi, office.
Carl W. Bentzel (’89) was sworn in to serve as a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission. His term expires on June 30, 2024.
Cortlin Bond (’19) has joined Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP as an Associate in the firm’s Birmingham office.
Adam V. Griffin (’10) has been elected Partner at Adams and Reese LLP in the firm’s Jackson, Mississippi, office.
Ann Phelps Hill (’11) has been elevated to Partner at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP in the firm’s Birmingham office.
Collin Keller (’19) has joined Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP as an Associate in the firm’s Huntsville office.
Riley Key (’11) has been elevated to Partner at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP in the firm’s Birmingham office.
Jonathan Kolodziej (’12) has been elevated to Partner at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP in the firm’s Birmingham office.
Hunter Pearce (’18) has joined Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP as an Associate in the firm’s Huntsville office.
Kelly Thomas (’03) has joined Starnes Davis Florie LLP as Partner in the firm’s Nashville office.
Ryan Robichaux (’09) has been elevated to Partner at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP in the firm’s Birmingham office.
Robert Shreve (’11) has been elected Partner at Burr & Forman in the firm’s Mobile office.
Margaret Simpson (’08) has joined Boyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery as an Associate in the firm’s Atlanta office.
Faculty Notes
PROFESSOR DEEPA DAS ACEVEDO was an invited participant at two conferences in November. She participated in the conference on Status and Justice in Law, Religion, and Society at Washington & Lee University on November 1-3 and a second conference on the forthcoming book, Slices and Lumps: Division and Aggregation in Law and Life, at the University of Chicago Law School on November 8.
PROFESSOR RICHARD DELGADO was one of five scholars invited by the NAACP to write chapters for a book on Equal Protection. The book is scheduled for publication in 2020.
Professor Delgado and Professor Jean Stefancic delivered a talk at the Seattle University School of Law on borders by consent on December 2, 2019. They had a one-week residency at Centrum, a writers’ colony on the Olympic Peninsula. An article by a Rutgers University professor discussed the role that Professor Delgado’s Harvard C.L.-C.R. L. Rev. article, “Words that Wound,” played in the development of scholarly discourse on race and racism. The professor’s article is in a Fall issue of Diverse Issues in Higher Education.
PROFESSOR SHAHAR DILLBARY’s article, “Multiple Causes and Stacked Inferences,” will be published by the Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (forthcoming 2020). The article examines the economic effects of third-party liability doctrines (e.g. vicarious liability) and legal presumptions. It was presented last summer at a conference organized by the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.
In November, Professor Dillbary presented his new tort scholarship at the Southern Economics Association (SEA). In December in Israel, he presented his experimental scholarship on pricing. At the invitation of the University of Hamburg’s Economics Department, professor Dillbary will present his scholarship on tort law and strategic behavior in January. The presentation will focus on collective sanctions and their impact on activity and care level with a special focus on medical malpractice cases.
Professor Dillbary received an invitation to present a new article at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Israel. This workshop, titled Private Law Theory in a Globalized World, brings leading researchers from around the world to present cutting edge scholarship using a range of methodologies. The workshop will take place in the summer.
PROFESSOR MIRIT EYAL-COHEN‘s article, “Fiscal Causation,” was selected to be presented at the National Tax Association Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida.
The article seeks to recognize the behavioral biases and long-run policy implications of tax incentives beyond the picture portrayed in tax returns and balance sheets. Tax laws can create benefits that take effect before (ex ante incentives) or after (ex post incentives) the controlled behavior occurs. “Fiscal causation” denotes the correlation between behavioral incentives and their factual outcomes. It demonstrates that intrinsic and extrinsic heterogenic factors play a major role in causation in our tax system or lack thereof. Uncertainty, complexity, and administrability of such measures are factors that play a major role in whether to utilize ex ante or ex post tax incentives. Whereas unique process heterogeneity outside tax forethought, such as a firm’s financial wellness, business cycles it undergoes, and decision-making process take priority and disconnect the cause and effect between the ex post tax incentive and taxpayers’ targeted behavior.
The article uses the research tax credit as a case study to point to intrinsic and extrinsic dynamics that hinder decision-makers from internalizing the benefits of the research credit, thus creating a non-causal gap between the actual outcome of the credit and its intended fiscal purpose.
PROFESSOR ADAM STEINMAN was named a winner of the Pound Civil Justice Institute’s 2020 Civil Justice Scholarship Award. He was recognized for this article, Access to Justice, Rationality, and Personal Jurisdiction, 71 Vanderbilt Law Review 1401 (2018).
Professor Steinman spoke at the American Bar Association’s 2019 National Institute on Class Actions in Nashville, Tennessee, and he presented a paper at Class Actions, Mass Torts, and MDLs: The Next 50 Years, a symposium co-sponsored by the Pound Civil Justice Institute and Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon. His article, “What Is a Fair Price for Objector Blackmail? Class Actions, Objectors, and the 2018 Amendments to Rule 23“ (co-authored with Elizabeth Cabraser), will be published in the Lewis & Clark Law Review.
PROFESSOR GARY SULLIVAN served as moderator for the Bankruptcy Ethics Panel at the 38th Annual Bankruptcy Law Update in Hoover, Alabama. Professor Sullivan led a panel discussion that examined recent legal trends in the treatment of referral fees in bankruptcy cases.
The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed by faculty in their publications or research activities are those of the author and not necessarily those of The University of Alabama or its officers and trustees. The content of faculty publications has not been approved by The University of Alabama, and the author is solely responsible for that content.