School of Law Logo11:53pm 03/04/2025

Introducing Path Makers Legacy Plaza at Alabama Law 

Alabama Law Path Makers Legacy Plaza

At the conclusion of the Alabama Law 50 | 150 Anniversaries year-long commemorative celebration, the Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama System, the School of Law, and the 50th Anniversary Executive Committee and Advisory Board are proud to introduce plans to raise funds to build the Path Makers Legacy Plaza in honor of the first Black graduates at Alabama Law, including Michael Anthony Figures, Booker T. Forte, Jr., and Ronald E. Jackson. Learn more about the historical context of their story by watching this video introducing the 50th Anniversary commemoration.

Housed just outside the windows of the Bounds Law Library, and anchored by three prominent arches—each honoring the first three Black graduates at Alabama Law—this $1.5 million Plaza will be an ADA-accessible outdoor space where students can gather for study, reflection, and collegiality; faculty can hold classes; and the Law School can host events for alumni, visiting scholars, and friends in the community. 

Alabama Law Path Makers Legacy Plaza Back Side

Alabama Law Path Makers Legacy Plaza Ariel Side View

Alabama Law Path Makers Plaza

The Path Makers Legacy Plaza was initially introduced as a part of the 50th Anniversary Gala: A Legacy Fundraising Event hosted at the School of Law on Friday, April 21. The Gala program included artistic performances, reflections, and stories from students and alumni of the School of Law.

To offer financial support for the Path Makers Legacy Plaza, please contact the Law School’s Advancement office via phone: (205) 348-5752 or reach out directly to one of our development officers below: 

Caroline Strawbridge 

(205) 348-4191 


Jason Wear

(205) 348-8272

Donor Recognition Opportunities For the Path Makers Legacy Plaza:

Plaza Stage (Naming Opportunity): $500,000 (1 available)

Commemorative Arch Pillars:$150,000 (6 available)

Plaza Columns:$50,000 (6 available)

Gallery Level: $25,000 (6 available)

Large Planter: $20,000 (1 available)

Small Planter: $10,000 (1 available)

Individual Chair: $5,000 (100 available)

*Gifts of any size may be pledged up to five years.

In addition to raising funds for the Path Makers Legacy Plaza, the 50th Anniversary Executive Committee and the School of Law are seeking to raise an additional $500,000 to endow a full-tuition scholarship in support of future students of color at Alabama Law. To contribute to this fund, contact either of the development officers above.