Steven Arango, 3L, was recently appointed as Region VII President for the Hispanic National Bar Association’s Law Student Division.
Arango will serve as a liaison between the law student community of Region VII and the Regional Attorney of the Association who serves their region. He will report to the Division’s President-Elect on the activities and initiatives in Region VII and will recruit qualified persons and organizations within Region VII to join the Association and Division as members.
“God placed a passion on my heart to serve,” Arango said. “That passion is interwoven into my DNA, a part of the very fabric of who I am and how I view my mission in life. And becoming the Region VII President of HNBA-LSD provided me with the perfect opportunity to live out that passion.”

In its efforts to heighten public awareness, HNBA advocates for solutions and lends a voice to issues affecting Latinos. While Arango is passionate about a number of issues affecting the Latino community, his first endeavor will be more internationally focused.
“Currently, Venezuela is experiencing a man-made humanitarian crisis. My project will seek to raise awareness of this tragedy and coordinate a campaign to raise support (monetary, food, health) for the Venezuelan people,” he said.
In a similar venture last year, HNBA organized an aid program for the hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. That mission offers an excellent blueprint from which to construct his course of action. Arango intends to collaborate with those who organized the Puerto Rico effort and tap into their wisdom.
Earlier this year, Arango worked at the Department of Defense Office of General Counsel (International Affairs). This externship was through the Law School’s D.C. Externship Program. After graduation, he will clerk for U.S. District Judge Fernando Rodriguez, Jr. After completing the clerkship, Arango will return to active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps for at least five years.