School of Law Logo11:23am 03/05/2025

December 2021


Three Alabama Law Students Donate Kidneys

The Smiths

Alabama Law 3Ls Angelica Mamani, Katrina Smith, and Ryne Smith each donated a kidney to save the lives of three persons they previously didn’t know. Every year across the nation, only 200 of all kidney donations come from people who do not know the recipient. We are honored to have three of those 200 walking our halls. You can learn more about their story here.

The annual Alabama Law Alumni Society Banquet is scheduled for February 11, 2022, at Haven in Birmingham. The Cocktail Reception will begin at 6 pm CT and the award ceremony will follow. More details will follow. We hope to see you there!

2021 Capstone Lawyer Now Available

The 2021 edition of Capstone Lawyer has been mailed out, and it is also viewable online. If your address has recently changed and you did not receive a physical copy, please reach out to with your new address and we will update our mailing list accordingly.

2021 Year-End Charitable Giving

Decorative only

As you consider your charitable giving prior to the end of the year, remember that gifts made now could generate income tax deductions that may help reduce your tax bill for 2021. Here’s how to complete your 2021 gift to the University of Alabama School of Law by year-end.

Class Notes

Julian Butler (’63) and The Honorable John England Jr. (’74) were inducted into the Alabama Academy of Honor Class of 2021.

Caitlin E. Cobb (’21) joined Capell & Howard, P.C. as an associate in Montgomery, AL.

Edward R. Christian (’07) was named a finalist for the 2021 Birmingham Business Journal CEO Award.

Bruce P. Ely (’80) was selected as the recipient of the Franklin C. Latcham Award for Distinguished Service in State and Local Tax, presented by Bloomberg Tax & Accounting.

T. Michael Goodrich II (’97) was appointed to the advisory board of Synovus in Birmingham, AL.

Drew Hertel (’20) was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. He will serve as a Judge Advocate once he finishes training.

James “Jim” F. Hughey Jr. (’70) was named a Veteran of Influence by the Birmingham Business Journal.

Cavender “Chris” C. Kimble (’87) was named to Birmingham Business Journal’s 2021 Who’s Who in Health Care list.

Joseph R. Latham (’19) joined Capell & Howard, P.C. as an associate in Montgomery, AL.

Marcus Maples (’06) won the title of President Elect for the Birmingham Bar Association.

Catherine E. Milling (’21) joined Maynard Copper and Gale as an associate attorney in the firm’s Birmingham, AL office.

Vernetta Perkins (’00) was sworn in as the first female Dallas County (AL) District Court Judge.

Brooke B. Vinson (’13) was hired by Ligon Industries LLC as their first-ever general counsel in Birmingham, AL.

Kimberly Ward (’01) joined Ogletree Deakins as Of Counsel in the firm’s Birmingham, AL office.


Christian & Small LLP contributed $5,000 to the Christian & Small Annual Diversity Scholarship.

John H. (’93) and Francessa Cox pledged $15,000 to the Mike and Gina House DC Externship Student Support Fund.

J. Leigh Davis (’97) donated $5,000 to the School of Law.

Penny A. Davis (’78) contributed $5,500 to the Law School Foundation Unrestricted Fund.

Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow & Ireland, P.A. contributed $5,000 to the Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow & Ireland Annual Scholarship.

Sara F. Kimberley contributed $10,000 to the Law School Foundation Building Fund.

The Albert G. Rives Charitable Trust donated $9,416.66 to the Albert G. and Hester Rives Fund.

Faculty Notes

Professor Deepa Das Acevedo organized and chaired a virtual roundtable on “Autocratic Legalism in India” as part of the Project on Autocratic Legalism in Brazil, India, and South Africa, an international research effort sponsored by the Law and Society Association. The roundtable featured Kim Lane Scheppele (Princeton University), Rebecca John (Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India), Mohsin Alam Bhat (Jindal Global Law School), Mayur Suresh (School of Oriental and African Studies), Arvind Narrain (Azim Premji University), Fabio de Sa e Silva (University of Oklahoma), and Bachittar Singh (Alabama Law Class of ’24). A transcript of the roundtable, along with an annotated introduction written by Professor Acevedo, is expected to appear in a 2022 special issue of the Jindal Global Law Review.

Professors Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic published a chapter in Handbook of Critical Race Theory in Education (2d ed., 2021, Routledge) edited by Marvin Lynn and Adrienne D. Dixson. Their contribution is titled Discerning Critical Moments, ch. 2, at 22.

Delgado published “The Least of These”: The Case for Nationwide Injunctions in Immigration Cases as a Critical Democratic Institution, 25 UC Davis Soc. Just. L. Rev. 100 (2021), co-authored with UA law graduate Allen Slater (’21).

Delgado was interviewed for a profile feature in the Washington Post. He also consulted with the director of a children’s museum in San Antonio, Texas about coping with accusations that displays of Chicano culture and history were contrary to patriotism and good museum practices.

Delgado also reviewed a manuscript for the London Education Review and another for Discourse and Society.

Professor Paul Horwitz participated as a speaker at the American Enterprise Institute on “Free assembly: the Constitution’s protection for civil society,” and published a review of Jack Balkin’s recent book, The Cycles of Constitutional Time, in Lex Magazine, which is published by Drexel University Kline School of Law.

Professor Joyce Vance was interviewed multiple times for MSNBC and was quoted in The Atlantic.

Vance also had pieces published in The Washington Post and the New England Journal of Law.

Vance Lectured at the UAB School of Public Health on Oct 14, 2021, in a seminar: “The Fractured Social Contract-Societal Disturbances During the Pandemic of 2019 -2021.”

Professor Fred Vars recently had three articles accepted for publication: The Ultimate Gift Horse: Modernizing the UPC on Advancements to Avoid Unintended Redistributions, ACTEC L.J. (with UA law graduate Jackie Elder (’21)); Slipping Through the Cracks? The Impact of Reporting Mental Health Records to the National Firearm Background Check System, J. Econ. Behav. & Org. (with Griffin Edwards & Ben Meadows); and Fertility Fraud: The Child’s Claims, B.C. L. Rev. E. Supp.