School of Law Logo3:14pm 03/04/2025


Thank you for visiting Alabama Law’s Career Services site and considering our students and graduates for employment within your organization. The Career Services Office encourages employers who need part-time and full-time employees to contact our office. We offer a variety of programs to advertise your position(s) which are described below. If needed, your inquiry can remain confidential.

The Career Services Office adheres to related policies created by the ABA, AALS, and NALP. In addition, the Law School has a non-discrimination policy. By posting your position with our office, or by interviewing our students, you are affirming your compliance with these policies.”

The University of Alabama School of Law is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and of nondiscrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex (which includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression), gender, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation or military status. It does not discriminate on these factors in administering its educational policies; admission policies; employment, promotion, and compensation policies; financial aid and scholarship programs; and other school-related activities. Only employers in agreement with this policy may use the services of the Law School. By using the Law School’s services, employers assure the Law School that they observe this nondiscrimination policy. By federal law, the military is allowed to interview at the Law School.


12Twenty is the Career Services Office’s online management system. Through this system, employers may post jobs and sign up for on-campus interviews (OCI). Employers who post jobs with us on a regular basis, and/or who participate in our on-campus recruiting programs, may have a 12Twenty account, which enables them to post positions directly, and to register for on-campus interviews online. If you do not have a 12Twenty account, you must first fill out an easy registration form on 12Twenty. After registering, you will receive a welcome e-mail message from the Career Services Office providing your log-in information and password. After receiving the welcome email, simply follow the link and log on. You will then be able to post your position and fill out your employer profile. Log in through the 12Twenty Employer Page to access these resources and to register. Email the Career Services Office at with any questions or to report difficulties signing into 12Twenty.

On-Campus Interview Program (OCI)

If you are interested in on-campus recruiting, you may go to 12Twenty Employer Page and click on “Register for OCI” on your home page and complete the form to reserve your date, or email the Career Services Office at for assistance. Fall OCI begins in early-August and ends in mid-October. Only 2L and 3L students are eligible to participate in Fall OCI. Spring OCI begins in late-January and ends in mid-March. All law students are eligible to participate in Spring OCI.

Resume Collect

If you wish to interview students in your office, the CSO can collect resumes of interested students and send them to your organization in one PDF file on a pre-determined date. Please email the Career Services Office the date you wish to receive resumes and information about the position within your organization at

Job Posting Form

As an alternative to creating a 12Twenty account, we offer another quick and easy way to post a position on 12Twenty. Simply download and complete this job posting form and email the completed form to

STAR Program

The Short-Term Assistance in Research (STAR) Program provides temporary research assistance for solo practitioners, small law firms, and other legal employers from a pool of pre-approved, qualified, third-year law students. Interested employers may learn more about STAR and register by completing the form on this webpage: Please contact Nicole Hughes at with any questions.


The University of Alabama School of Law uses a letter grading system for evaluating classroom performance. Grades range from A+ to F. Receiving credit for a course requires a grade of D-. If a student takes a class graded on a Pass/D/Fail basis, receiving Pass requires work at the level of at least C-. A student must maintain a 2.33 (C+) average to graduate. Click here for scales, class percentiles, and suggested curves.

In February 2010, the Alabama Law School faculty adopted a new ranking policy. The policy took effect for the Classes of 2011 and 2012 after the Spring 2010 semester. Under the new policy, Alabama Law will provide individual rankings to students in the Top 15% of each class at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters. At the end of the Fall and Spring semester, the Registrar will publish the GPA for the Top 10%, Top 20%, Top 25%, Top 33%, and Top 50% of each class. Students will know where their GPA places them within these bands. Students outside of the Top 15% will not receive individual ranks.

Student Organizations

American Constitution Society, Alabama Anti-Trafficking Legal Advocacy Society, Black Law Students Association, Business Law Society, Christian Legal Society, Criminal Law Society, Dorbin Women’s Association, Environmental Law Society, Federalist Society, First Generation Law Students Association, Health Law Society, If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice, Intellectual Property Law Society, International Justice Mission, Jewish Law Student Association, Military Law Society, National Lawyers Guild, OutLaw: LGBTQ+ Alliance, Public Interest Student Board, Raise the Bar: Mentoring Program, Sports & Entertainment Law Society, Saint Thomas More Society, Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, Tuscaloosa Civil Rights & Reconciliation, Transfer Law Student Association, Latinx Law Student Association