School of Law Logo10:28am 03/05/2025

Resources and Services

CSO Resources for Students

Office Equipment: We have a copier, printer, and scanner for student use in the CSO. Students may freely use these items as long as they are used for career-related activities. Additionally, we have professional paper to print resumes and cover letters if requested.

Printed Materials: Materials are available for reference and check-out on a variety of subjects, including general legal career search, judicial clerkships, careers in public interest/government, alternative legal careers, various substantive legal specialties, U.S. Military, directories, and much more in our Resource Room. We encourage you to spend time familiarizing yourself with all the Resource Room has to offer.

Online Resources: The CSO offers several online career resources. First, there is the job board on 12Twenty. For postings not found on 12Twenty please see the 12Twenty Resource Library for a full list of websites and passwords. The CSO also shares job search websites, articles, and advice through the CSO Newsletter (via e-mail) and our Instagram.

CSO Services for Students

Lunchtime Programs are presented on a regular basis. The CSO works to offer students presentations and discussions on topics that are timely, relevant, and helpful. Frequently, guest speakers are brought in to provide additional information.  Students can find upcoming programs and RSVP on 12Twenty. Please contact Casey Campos at with suggestions for or questions about programming.

The Mock Interview Program, where attorneys volunteer to do practice interviews with first-year students in preparation for their job search interviews. These interviews are designed to enhance law students’ interview skills by allowing attorneys to conduct simulated interviews with students as they would conduct actual interviews. Practice interviews help students manage anxiety, learn what to expect from legal employers, and enhance their overall interview question and answer skills. The interviewing attorney provides constructive feedback regarding the student’s strengths, weaknesses, resume preparation, and overall interview proficiency. The Mock Interview Program is open to 1Ls and occurs in late January. Additional practice interviews can be scheduled with the CSO staff at any time. Please contact Nicole Hughes at for more information.