School of Law Logo2:21pm 03/04/2025


The Career Services Office at the University of Alabama School of Law is available to support alumni in job transitions throughout their legal career. The CSO staff is able to review resumes and cover letters and to meet individually with alumni for career counseling. To make an appointment, please call (205) 348-6479 or email the Career Services Office at

Job Postings

The University of Alabama School of Law provides access to alumni to job opportunities through our Career Services Management System. To obtain a username and password, please email the Career Services Office at, and provide your full name and year and month of graduation. When your account is created, you will receive an email providing login information. You may also find job postings on the Intercollegiate Job Bank. Please call (205) 348-6479 or email the Career Services Office at for the current password.


Please view the University of Alabama School of Law Reciprocity Policy. If you would like to request reciprocity, please contact Nicole Hughes at


The CSO welcomes alumni attendance and participation in CSO sponsored events and programs. There are many ways to volunteer, including mock interviews, the alumni network for current law students, and various panel discussions and programs throughout the school year. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Assistant Dean Megan Walsh at

The University of Alabama School of Law is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and of nondiscrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex (which includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression), gender, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation or military status. It does not discriminate on these factors in administering its educational policies; admission policies; employment, promotion, and compensation policies; financial aid and scholarship programs; and other school-related activities. Only employers in agreement with this policy may use the services of the Law School. By using the Law School’s services, employers assure the Law School that they observe this nondiscrimination policy. By federal law, the military is allowed to interview at the Law School.