School of Law Logo11:21am 03/06/2025

Judge Patrick Higginbotham Receives 2017 Sam W. Pipes Distinguished Alumnus Award

Congratulations to Judge Patrick Higginbotham (’61), the recipient of the 2017 Sam W. Pipes Distinguished Alumnus Award. Higginbotham received the award at the Farrah Law Alumni Society Banquet Friday in Birmingham. The award is given to an outstanding alumnus of the University of Alabama School of Law who has distinguished himself or herself through service to the bar, the University of Alabama and the School of Law.

The Law School also celebrated the permanent endowment of the following funds:

  • Carey J. Chitwood Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. and Mrs. Ruth Jenkins Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
  • Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Memorial Endowed Lecture on Constitutional Rights and Liberties
  • John C. H. Miller Endowed Scholarship
  • Proctor Family Endowed Scholarship
  • Edward P. Turner, Jr. Family Endowed Scholarship
  • Wilmer & Lee, P.A. Endowed Scholarship