School of Law Logo11:08pm 03/28/2025

Delgado and Stefancic to Join Law School

Photo-Richard-DelgadoThe University of Alabama is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Richard Delgado as the John J. Sparkman Chair of Law and Professor Jean Stefancic as Professor and Clement Research Affiliate, effective Fall 2013.

Professor Delgado earned his J.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and previously has taught at law schools such as UCLA, the University of Colorado, the University of Pittsburgh, and Seattle University. Professor Stefancic earned her M.A. from the University of San Francisco and has taught at the University of Pittsburgh and Seattle University.


Professors Delgado and Stefancic are prolific scholars who have published, separately and together, over 150 journal articles and 30 books, many of them award-winning. Professor Delgado is a leading commentator on race in the United States, having appeared on PBS, NPR, ABC, and Canadian NPR. Professor Stefancic has written extensively about social change and legal scholarship. The two shared a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency in 1993 and another in Bogliasco, Italy in 2001 to write books about civil rights and law reform.

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