School of Law Logo3:57am 03/05/2025

Alabama Law Welcomes the Class of 2025

Alabama Law Class of 2025 at Orientation

As a new school year begins, Alabama Law is proud to welcome the Class of 2025. This year’s new incoming group consists of 149 students—drawn from a competitive pool of over 1,700 applicants.

Students from this class represent 24 states and 65 different colleges and universities. Nearly half of the new 1L students are women and 26% of the class members identify as members of a racial or ethnic minority. In total, this class speaks 11 different languages and dialects from around the world, and despite the limitations on travel in recent years due to the global pandemic, these students have studied, lived, or worked in 30 countries outside of the United States.

“Individually and collectively, you are impressive. . . Many of you have done remarkable things already in your lives, [and] I am confident that each and all of you will achieve great things during your time in law school,” said Dean Mark E. Brandon to the new 1L class during his welcome speech at orientation.

Classes began on Monday, August 15 and the semester will run through December 16. For more information, view the University of Alabama School of Law academic calendar online.