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August 2017


U.S. Supreme Court Justice to Visit Alabama Law for Albritton Lecture

Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, will participate in a conversation with Dean Mark E. Brandon and Judge William Harold Albritton III at The University of Alabama School of Law for the Fall 2017 Albritton Lecture Sept. 12.

“We are pleased and honored to be able to welcome Justice Sotomayor to the School of Law. Her professional record is stellar and her life’s story inspiring,” said Brandon, dean of the law school.

Justice Sotomayor was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Barack Obama in 2009. Before joining the Court, she served as a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

The Albritton Lecture Series was established by Judge Albritton and is supported by The Albritton Fund, created in the 1970s by the Albritton family of Andalusia, which has four generations of Alabama Law graduates.

The lecture series counts 11 United States Supreme Court Justices and three foreign Chief Justices among its past participants. Judge Albritton is a 1960 graduate of Alabama Law and U.S. District Court Judge for the Middle District of Alabama, having been appointed to the bench by President George H.W. Bush. The first Albritton lecture was delivered by United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in 1996.

“This unique lecture series has been limited to Supreme Court Justices and Chief Justices, as well as Chief Justices of foreign nations, to give our students and faculty direct exposure to discussions of the judicial process by those involved at the highest levels,” Judge Albritton said.

The event is open to the public and will take place in the McMillian Lecture Hall, room 287/288 at 2 p.m.. No registration is required. Seating is limited and early arrival is recommended.

Note that purses, bags, laptops, umbrellas and large jackets will not be allowed in the lecture hall.

Alabama Law Welcomes Class of 2020

Dean Mark E. Brandon applauded the Class of 2020 for being “a distinguished group by any proper measure” during First-Year Orientation.

The class has 126 students and was drawn from a pool of more than 1,500 applicants. Forty-five percent of the class members are women, and 19 percent identify as members of a racial or ethnic minority. The members of the Class of 2020 have lived, worked or studied in 34 countries outside of the United States – in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Australia, Africa, South America and Central America.

“As dean of The University of Alabama School of Law, I’m pleased and honored to welcome you – the Class of 2020 – and to welcome, also, our transfer students, our visiting and exchange students, and our international LL.M. students. You – each and all of you – are valued members of our community,” Brandon said.

Alabama Law Welcomes New Faculty Members

The University of Alabama School of Law announces the hiring of six new faculty members: Professors Yonathan Arbel, Alfred Brophy, Courtney Cross, Allyson Gold, Shalini Ray, and Philip Reich.

Professor Arbel is an expert on the enforcement of contracts and commercial obligations. His work covers contracts, commercial law, torts, and consumer law. Professor Arbel received his S.J.D. degree in law and economics from Harvard Law School, J.S.M. in law and society from Stanford Law School, and LL.B. in law and humanities, summa cum laude, from the Hebrew University.

Professor Brophy is the D. Paul Jones, Jr. & Charlene Jones Chairholder of Law. He teaches in the fields of property, trusts and estates, remedies, and legal history. He received his A.B. from the University of Pennsylvania, summa cum laude, J.D. from Columbia University, and Ph.D. from Harvard University.

Professor Cross is the Director of the Domestic Violence Clinic. Her research explores the intersections of domestic violence, criminal law, and poverty. Professor Cross received an LL.M. with honors from Georgetown University Law Center, a J.D. from NYU School of Law, and a B.A., magna cum laude, from the University of California, San Diego.

Professor Gold is the Director of the Elder Law Clinic. Her research examines the effect of property law on the achievement of health equity and social justice. Professor Gold earned her J.D., with Honors, from Emory University School of Law and a B.A., with High Distinction, from the University of Virginia.

Professor Ray teaches Legal Profession, Legislation/Regulation, and an immigration law seminar. She conducts research in the areas of immigration, administrative, and international law. Professor Ray earned a J.D. from Harvard Law School and a B.A. from Stanford University.

Judge Reich teaches a course titled “The Business of Being a Lawyer” at the University of Alabama school of law and a legal studies course in the University of Alabama Honors College. He is a retired Circuit Judge for the State of Alabama, former Deputy General Counsel for the University of Alabama System, and serves as a mediator. Professor Reich received his B.S. and J.D. from the University of Alabama.

James Grippando Wins 2017 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction

The University of Alabama School of Law and the ABA Journal have announced that James Grippando, author of “Gone Again,” will receive the 2017 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction.

Grippando is the seventh winner of the Prize. The award, authorized by Lee, is given annually to a book-length work of fiction that best illuminates the role of lawyers in society and their power to effect change.

“I don’t know who’s happier, James Grippando the writer or James Grippando the lawyer,” Grippando said. “Winning the 2017 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction is easily the proudest moment of my dual career.”

Seven years ago, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the publication of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and to honor former Alabama law student and author Harper Lee, The University of Alabama School of Law and the ABA Journal partnered to create The Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction.

“Gone Again” was chosen by a distinguished panel of writers. They are: Deborah Johnson, winner of the 2015 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction and author of “The Secret of Magic”; Cassandra King, author of “The Same Sweet Girls’ Guide to Life”; Don Noble, host of Alabama Public Radio’s book review series as well as host of “Bookmark,” which airs on Alabama Public Television; and Han Nolan, author of “Dancing on the Edge.”


The Farrah Alumni Society cordially invites you and your guest to join Dean Mark E. Brandon at the following receptions for University of Alabama School of Law alumni.

5:30 – 7 p.m. Friday, September 1 at Atlanta Botanical Garden Longleaf Restaurant, 1345 Piedmont Avenue, NE, Atlanta. Join us for this opportunity to connect with Alabama Law graduates in Atlanta the evening before the Alabama vs. Florida State season opener football game. Register online by August 25 at

5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Thursday, September 7 at Stewartfield, Spring Hill College, 400 Dauphin Street, Mobile. Register online by August 31 at

5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Friday, September 22 at Tavern, 1904 Broadway, Nashville. Join us for this opportunity to connect with Alabama Law graduates in Nashville the evening before the Alabama vs. Vanderbilt football game. Register online by September 14 at

Class Notes

Anita Archie (’91) has been named Deputy Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs.

Tenley E. Armstrong (’06) discussed her legal experience and offered practical insight at a CLE event titled, ” Federal Criminal Discovery in White Collar Cases,” which was held at Lightfoot, Franklin & White in the firm’s office in Birmingham.

Annemarie Carney Axon (’99) was nominated by President Donald Trump for position as District Judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.

Vernon Barnett (’97) was appointed Alabama Commissioner of Revenue by Gov. Kay Ivey.

Stephen Bumgarner (’92) has joined Maynard Cooper & Gale in the firm’s Financial Institutions, Insurance and Financial Services Litigation practice groups.

Liles C. Burke (’94) was nominated by President Donald Trump for a position as Judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.

Chip Campbell, Jr. (’01) was nominated to serve as District Judge in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee.

Thomas Christian (’70) has been named to the 2017 Chambers and Partners USA Guide for his work in general commercial litigation.

Paul Compton (’89) has been nominated to be general counsel at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Brandon K. Essig (’02) addressed members of the state’s criminal defense bar in July at an event sponsored by the Federal Public Defenders Office for the Middle District of Alabama.

Brandon K. Falls (’97) has joined Campbell Law, P.C.

Sam Franklin (’72) has been named to the 2017 Chambers and Partners USA Guide for his work in general commercial litigation.

Crystal H. Holmes (’04) has joined Sirote & Permutt as Of Counsel.

Robert J. Illman (’03) has been appointed Magistrate Judge in U.S. District Court for Northern District of California.

Sam Irby (’70) has been elected as the president-elect of the Alabama State Bar. He will assume the office of president in the 2018-2019 term.

Matthew Kaynard (LL.M. ’13) was named Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel of Ornstein-Schuler Investments, an Atlanta-based real estate investment firm.

Joy Boyd Longnecker (’05) has been named partner in Baker Donelson’s Nashville office.

Elena Lovoy (’87) has joined McGlinchey Stafford as Of Counsel.

Greer B. Mallette (’99) presented three CLEs – “Minimizing Environmental Liabilities in Commercial Real Estate Transactions,” “What Happens to Leases, Loans and Contracts if a Party Goes Bankrupt,” and “Legal Ethics” – during the two-day “Ultimate Guide to Commercial Real Estate” seminar presented by the National Business Institute in Birmingham.

Marcus Maples (’06) was elected to a one-year term as president-elect of the Alabama Lawyers Association. He will begin his term as president in June 2018.

Charles A. Powell, IV (’92) was named “noted practitioner” by the 2017 Chambers and Partners USA Guide. He also was elected as a fellow to the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers.

Stephen K. Pudner (’08) has been elected a shareholder of Baker Donelson in the firm’s Birmingham office.

Bruce Siegal (’86) has been named as Senior Counsel for Learfield Licensing Partners.

Will Sellers (’88) was appointed to the Alabama Supreme Court by Gov. Kay Ivey.

Deborah Alley Smith (’85) has been elected to the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers. She also has been named to the 2017 Chambers and Partners USA Guide for her work in appellate litigation in Alabama.

Martha Thompson (’97) has been named partner in Balch and Bingham’s Birmingham office.

Parker Yates (’11) has been named partner of Baddley & Mauro in Birmingham. The civil litigation firm’s name is now Baddley Mauro & Yates.


The Alabama Pattern Jury Instructions Committee Civil donated $5,000 to the APJI /William C. Sullivan Scholarship.

Laura L. Crum (’82) pledged to fund an Endowed Lectureship in Law & Business, making an initial gift of $10,000 toward the project.

Professor Penny Davis (’78) contributed $5,000 to the Farrah Law Alumni Society.

Curtis O. Liles, III (’73) contributed $10,000 of a $50,000 pledge to the Curtis O. Liles III Endowed Scholarship.

The estate of Beulah Ormond contributed $121,022 to establish the M.T. Ormond Endowed Scholarship Fund in memory of her late husband Marvin T. Ormond. Although not an Alabama Law graduate, Mr. Ormond was a longtime supporter of the law school and legal education at the University of Alabama.

Alabama Law received two generous contributions from the estate of Drew Redden (’49) and Christine Redden. A gift of $267,453 established the L. Drew Redden Faculty Support Fund and a gift of $144,409 established the L. Drew Redden Endowed Fund. The addition of these two funds brings the total number of endowed funds at the Law School by the Reddens to five. The law school is immensely grateful to the Reddens for their generous contributions and for the legacy of support they leave for legal education.

The Albert G. Rives Charitable Trust contributed $13,088 to the Albert G. and Hester Rives Fund.

Thomas J. Scott, Jr. contributed $5,000 to the Judge Irene Feagin Scott Tax Library Collection.

The University of Alabama Federal Tax Clinic contributed $30,000 to the Federal Tax Clinic Scholarship.

The University of Alabama Chapter of the Order of the Coif donated $12,000 to award the Order of the Coif Annual Scholarships.

Faculty Notes

PROFESSOR JENNY CARROLL presented her paper titled, “The Problem with Inference for Juvenile Defendants,” at Stanford University Law School’s First BioLaw Conference. The paper explores the intersection between adolescent brain development and state of mind calculations in criminal law in April at Stanford University Law School’s First BioLaw Conference. In June, she presented a paper titled, “Graffiti, Property Rights and What it Means for Criminal Law,” at the Pazmany Peter Catholic University Law School in Budapest, Hungary, for a conference on Free Speech. Also in June, she presented her Graffiti paper at the AALS Mid-year Meeting/Crim Fest in Washington D.C. In July, Professor Carroll began teaching as a visiting lecturer on Counter Terrorism at the Australia National University in Canberra, Australia, as part of the School of Law’s exchange program with ANU.

PROFESSOR RICHARD DELGADO published “Four Ironies of Campus Climate” in Minnesota Law Review. Co-authored with PROFESSOR JEAN STEFANCIC, the article identifies competing paradigms in the campus-climate controversy that account for the continual failure of the parties to reach agreement.

Professor Delgado had a second article accepted by Southern Methodist University Law Review. The Unbearable Lightness of Alternative Dispute Resolution: Critical Thoughts on Fairness and Formality” article warns against the spread of mandatory arbitration through small-print clauses in consumer contracts, app upload agreements, consent forms for medical treatment, and a host of other settings. It also warns of the risks that mediation and other forms of deformalized justice pose for women, minorities, and other disempowered disputants. The article will appear in a symposium issue discussing the social costs of alternative dispute resolution.

The administrators of the Social Science Research Network notified Professor Delgado that he ranked in the top ten percent of authors on the website for downloads in May, June, and the last 12 months. Although he is a comparative newcomer to the site, he ranks 222 out of more than 330,000 authors on the entire site. He and Professor Stefancic spent May and part of June at a writers’ colony on the Olympic Peninsula. He gave a talk at Seattle University School of Law, reviewed proposals for a number of academic presses and journals, and completed his 3.25 chapters for a new edition of a jurisprudence casebook with Stanley Fish and two other co-authors. He also participated in a Ph.D. dissertation defense for a candidate in philosophy.

PROFESSOR SHAHAR DILLBARY presented his scholarship at the Environmental Law and Economics Society (Oxford, London) and at Haifa Law and Economics Workshop (Haifa, Israel). He is currently scheduled to present his empirical and experimental studies at Notre Dame School of Law, the European Law and Economics Conference (London, England), the Midwestern Law and Economics Conference (Marquette Law) and the Southern Economic Conference (Washington D.C.). In the fall, Professor Dillbary is scheduled to meet with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) to discuss his recent empirical findings on lending practices.

PROFESSOR MIRIT EYAL-COHEN presented a paper titled, “In Defense of Intrapreneurship: Human Capital, Knowledge Spillover, and Innovation Tax Incentives” at the Fourth International Roundtable on Taxation and Tax Policy held in Israel in July. This conference attracts scholars from leading U.S. law schools. Professor Eyal-Cohen met with Israeli Tax Scholars to discuss topics such as the global market for tax and legal rules, the myth of corporate tax residence, and the new OECD multilateral tax instrument and its limits.

PROFESSOR PAUL HORWITZ served as co-organizer of the Annual Law and Religion Roundtable, which gathers some of the leading law and religion scholars from across the United States and other countries each year. This year the roundtable was held in June in Chicago and was hosted by Notre Dame Law School’s Program on Church, State, and Society. His review essay, “Positive Pluralism Now,” was published in the most recent issue of the University of Chicago Law Review. An earlier article of his, “Act III of the Ministerial Exception,” published in the Northwestern University Law Review, was cited by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in July in its opinion in Fratello v. Archdiocese of New York. Professor Horwitz signed an amicus brief on behalf of the victorious appellees in that case.

PROFESSOR RON KROTOSZYNSKI, JR. has published First Amendment: Cases and Theory (3d ed. 2017) (Aspen Publishers) (with co-authors Dean Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and Professors Christina E. Wells and Caroline Mala Corbin). He also has published “Linnean Taxonomy and Globalized Law,” 115 Mich. L. Rev. 865 (2017), a review essay of Justice Stephen Breyer’s “The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities.”

On June 7, 2017, Professor Krotoszynski presented “The Citizen as Government Sock-Puppet and the State Masquerading as a Citizen: The Problem of Coerced and Mis-Attributed Speech,” at the First Amendment Scholars Comparative Law Forum, held at the Peter Pazmany Catholic University School of Law, in Budapest, Hungary on June 6-8, 2017. This paper is part of a larger, book length project, The Disappearing First Amendment (forthcoming Yale University Press 2018). On June 28, 2017, he presented “Systemic Failures to Protect Newsgathering Activities by Professional Journalists and Amateur Citizen-Journalists Alike,” another draft book chapter, at the Privacy Law Form, hosted by the University of Uppsala School of Law, in Uppsala, Sweden. On July 12, Professor Krotoszynski presented “Frank M. Johnson, Jr. And His Extended Law Clerk Family: Working for a Living Profile in Courage” at a faculty workshop at the Seattle University School of Law, in Seattle, Washington. He also presented a second paper, “‘The Devil Is in the Details”: On the Central Importance of Distinguishing the Truly Public from the Truly Private in Reconciling Equality and Religious Liberty,” at this workshop. Both papers will be published later this year – the first in an edited book forthcoming from the University of Virginia Press and the second in an edited book forthcoming from Cambridge University Press. On July 14, 2017, Krotoszynski spoke on a panel considering the problem of “fake news” and potential regulatory responses to it, as part of the Global Innovation Law Summit, hosted by the University of Washington School of Law, in Seattle Washington. His remarks were titled, “Now, For Something Completely Different: Transatlantic Perspectives on Fake News and the Government’s Power to Regulate It.”

PROFESSOR JEAN STEFANCIC was notified by the administrators of the Social Science Research Network Jean Stefancic that she ranked in the top ten percent for downloads in May, June, and the last 12 months. She also ranks among the top ten percent of scholars on the site for all-time downloads. She published “Four Ironies of Campus Climate” in the Minnesota Law Review. The article, co-authored with Professor Richard Delgado, addresses the current impasse between advocates of hate speech regulation and defenders of unfettered freedom of expression on university campuses.With Professor Delgado, she shared a residency at Centrum, an arts and writers institute in Port Townsend Washington, where they drafted a response article for the Alabama Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review.

PROFESSOR ADAM STEINMAN published the 2017 updates to Wright, Miller & Steinman, Federal Practice & Procedure,Volumes 4, 4A & 4B (Thomson Reuters). In May, he spoke at the Tenth Circuit Judicial Conference in Deer Valley, Utah. In July, he was a member of the faculty for the Pound Civil Justice Institute’s Forum for State Appellate Judges in Boston, Mass. In August, he was a presenter for the Faculty Seminar at the Australian National University, College of Law, in Canberra, Australia.

PROFESSOR FRED VARS published an article about dementia and the Second Amendment in the Elder Law Journal and an essay about the right of an indigent criminal defendant to an independent expert in the Washington and Lee Law Review Online.

The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed by faculty in their publications or research activities are those of the author and not necessarily those of The University of Alabama or its officers and trustees. The content of faculty publications has not been approved by the University of Alabama, and the author is solely responsible for that content.