School of Law Logo12:26pm 03/05/2025

Alabama Law Remembers Justice Janie L. Shores

Justice Janie Shores, celebrated alumna of the Law School, has passed away at the age of 85. 
She grew up in Baldwin County, took her bachelor’s degree from Samford University, and earned her law degree from Alabama Law in 1959.
Her notes and outlines at the School of Law were legendary; for years after she graduated, countless students insisted that they succeeded in law school only because they relied on Janie Shores’s notes.
After teaching law at Cumberland, she ran successfully for a seat on the Alabama Supreme Court, the first woman to serve as Justice on that court. She served on the court for 25 years.
In 2015, she was the recipient of the Sam W. Pipes Award, which is given to an outstanding alum of the Law School for distinguished service to the Bar, the University of Alabama, and the School of Law. Justice Shores was personally courageous, politically engaged, and irrepressibly honest.
A memorial service will be held in Birmingham at a date that has yet to be decided.

For more, read “Alabama State Bar President Issues Statement on Death of Justice Janie L. Shores.”