School of Law Logo3:47pm 03/04/2025

Accessibility Statement

The School of Law is committed to making its web resources accessible to all users, and welcomes comments or suggestions on access improvements. Access issues, comments, or suggestions should be reported to Read more about accessibility at The University of Alabama.

The Web Resources Accessibility Policy applies to anyone responsible for creating, dissemination, selecting, or purchasing web resources on behalf of UA (students, faculty, staff, contractors, and volunteers).

Academic website content alternative access or accommodation questions should go to Law School Academic Affairs at (205) 348-7190 or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Grace Lee at

Bounds Law Library website alternative access or accommodation questions should go to Iain Barksdale at or (205) 348-2373.

Continuing Legal Education alternative access or accommodation for materials or the event space, or to otherwise participate in these programs requests should go to Jennifer Jones at or (205) 348-2867