School of Law Logo11:48am 03/20/2025

Law Clinics

Law Clinics

A Commitment to Public Service

As Alabama’s only public law school, we’re committed to public service. Our clinics provide around 15,000 hours of free legal aid every year, while also preparing the next generation of lawyers with essential legal practice skills.

Need Legal Help?

Call: (205) 348-4960


Contact Information

Phone: +1 (205) 348-4960
Mailing Address: Box 870392, The University of Alabama School of Law, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0392
Street Address: 101 Paul Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Follow us on Facebook.

Visiting the Clinics

We’re open Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Find us on the law school’s west side, off 2nd Avenue.

Appellate Advocacy Clinic

In the Appellate Advocacy Clinic, law students take on real appeals from start to finish, including mediations, briefing and oral arguments.

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Children’s Rights Clinic

Working with the Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program, the Children’s Rights Clinic fights to protect the rights and meet the needs of disabled youth in the school and juvenile justice systems.

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Criminal Defense Clinic

In the Criminal Defense Clinic, students offer free legal defense to locals and university students facing criminal charges, mainly misdemeanors.

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Civil Law Clinic

In the Civil Law Clinic, students offer free legal services to locals and university students facing a wide range of civil issues.

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Domestic Violence Law Clinic

The Domestic Violence Law Clinic offers victims of domestic violence in Tuscaloosa County free legal services on family law and civil matters.

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Entrepreneurship & Nonprofit Clinic

The Entrepreneurship & Nonprofit Clinic supplies pro bono transactional legal services to small businesses, startups, nonprofits, and creative individuals throughout Alabama.

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Mediation Law Clinic

In Tuscaloosa County, the Mediation Law Clinic provides free mediation services for family court cases.

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Overview of Clinical Programs

Since 1970, our law clinic has grown to include seven core clinics. We develop our law students into skillful attorneys who are ready to serve clients, the profession, and society. Students practice under faculty supervision, gaining experience in interviewing, counseling, case management, investigations, negotiations, and courtroom advocacy. Students also learn about professional identity, tackling bias, and promoting cross-cultural understanding.

The Clinical Guarantee

The University of Alabama School of Law guarantees every interested law student the opportunity to participate in at least one law clinic before graduating. Students can participate during their 2L and 3L years. Clinical faculty, not outside lawyers, directly supervise and mentor student attorneys as they practice law and represent clients. Many students describe their law clinic experience as one of the most significant components of their legal education.