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International Scholarship and Research

A number of Alabama Law faculty have conducted extensive research on international law issues.

Professor William Andreen has taught and lectured in a number of countries around the world, including Australia, China, Ethiopia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, and the United Kingdom.  He has also advised the governments of Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Moldova on various environmental and administrative law matters.  He directs the study abroad program with The Australian National University (where he also serves as an Adjunct Professor) and is a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, World Commission on Environmental Law.  He has published four articles in Australian law journals and two articles in Tanzania.  In addition, he has published a book chapter on comparative water law and an article on the challenge of strengthening environmental law in the developing world.

Professor Heather Elliott has written a chapter to appear in a textbook on comparative law, US and Portugese Law. She has also taught American Public Law at the Jagiellonion University in Cracow, Poland.

Professor Dan Joyner is the Director of International Programs. He teaches Public International Law, International Trade & Investment Law, the Law of War, and WMD Proliferation Law and Policy.  He is a recognized expert in international security law, and specifically international law relative to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear energy.  He has published three books and numerous articles and book chapters on these topics, and travels frequently to lecture and to provide consultation to governments.

Professor Ronald Krotosynski has published a book on comparative law and the First Amendment’s free speech rights.

Professor Ken Rosen teaches International Business Transactions. He frequently travels for international matters and to teach.  Professor Rosen has taught or will teach at the University of Fribourg, the Australian National University, and Pusan National University.  He also has advised on developing business law curricula in Ethiopia.  In addition, he has contributed to World Bank Group projects, has been a contributing editor for International Legal Materials, has served on the Board of Directors of the American Society of Comparative Law, and has been named a U.S. reporter on company law and the law of succession for the upcoming congress of the international academy of comparative law in Austria.

Clare Ryan teaches a course on International Human Rights Law.