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Certificate in International and Comparative Law

The Certificate in International and Comparative Law is a graduate level certificate within the Law School’s J.D. program that is intended to prepare law students for engagement in law practice with an international, foreign or comparative law dimension.

In order to receive the certificate at graduation, students must fulfill the following three requirements.

  1. Study Abroad. Complete one of the following programs:
    1. the Law School’s study abroad program at Tel Aviv University,

    2. the Law School’s United Kingdom Exchange Program, or

    3. a similar study abroad program that has been approved in advance by the Associate Dean for Students and Academic Affairs;
  2. Required Coursework. Complete the following required courses:
    1. Public International Law and
    2. International Business Transactions; and
  3. Elective Coursework. Complete 10 credit hours from the following list of elective courses:
    • Comparative Law: Constitutional Law
    • Immigration Law and Policy
    • International Environmental Law Seminar
    • International Human Rights Law
    • International Trade and Investment Law
    • Law of War
    • Perspectives on Citizenship
    • Weapons of Mass Destruction

Additional courses may be applied to the Certificate with written approval from the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.