School of Law Logo7:20pm 03/04/2025

Professor Krotoszynski Weighs in on Marriage License Case in Kentucky

Professor Ronald Krotoszynski Jr. recently told The New York Times and “Background Briefing with Ian Masters” same-sex couples in Kentucky who have been denied marriage licenses will ultimately receive them.

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to allow a county clerk in Kentucky who objects to same-sex marriage on religious grounds to continue to deny marriage licenses to all couples, gay or straight.

“There’s no doubt about how this saga comes to an end,” said Krotoszynski, a constitutional law expert who has followed same-sex marriage cases. “The couples in Rowan County who seek marriage licenses will have them.”

For more, read “Kentucky Clerk Denies Same-Sex Marriage Licenses, Defying Court.”

For more, listen to “A County Clerk Gets Her Authenticity From God.”

For more, read “Why Can’t The Kentucky Clerk Get Bail?”

For more, read “Can Alabama Judges Go To Jail For Not Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses?”