School of Law Logo1:58pm 03/20/2025

Professor Luke Herrine Places Three New Articles

Luke Herrine, The University of Alabama School of Law

Professor Luke Herrine has recently placed three articles: The Student Debt Reset in California Law Review (with Jonathan Glater, UC Berkeley Law School) (forthcoming 2025), Unfairness, Reconstructed in Vol. 42, Issue 1 of Yale Journal on Regulation, and Regulating Cutthroat Business in North Carolina Law Review (forthcoming 2025). Click the links above to read the articles on SSRN.

Professor Herrine was also named an inaugural Reimagine America Fellow by the Roosevelt Society, an organization that describes itself as “a community of people bonded by a pro-equity worldview—fighting for an economy and democracy that are more progressive, more inclusive, and more just.” As a Reimagine America Fellow, Professor Herrine and the other members of this cohort will contribute to the public discourse about building a more democratic economic future and be in community with experts and organizations leading political economy work.

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