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Governor Ivey Reappoints Professor Rosen to the Uniform Law Commission

April 11, 2023

Governor Kay Ivey recently reappointed Professor Ken Rosen to represent Alabama on the Uniform Law Commission for a term running through April 4, 2027. 

A photo of Professor RosenThe ULC, also called the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, dates its origins to the nineteenth century.  Commissioners have included lawyers who would become leading academics, cabinet members, Supreme Court Justices, and a President of the United States.  Over the years, the ULC has worked to examine state laws and areas where greater uniformity across states codes might be useful.  Representatives from different states and territories work together under the ULC’s auspices to promulgate model legislation that can be adopted by individual states.  The ULC is notably influential in the commercial law arena, having helped foster the Uniform Commercial Code that provides a foundation for business law in multiple states.  However, the ULC works on laws related to a large variety of significant subjects.

As a Commissioner, Professor Rosen has served Alabama as the Commission has considered a variety of uniform acts that can be utilized by states as they enact legislation on significant issues.  Commission Presidents also have appointed Professor Rosen to serve on multiple committees during his tenure.  For example, Professor Rosen currently serves on committees studying the Singapore Convention on the recognition of mediation results and The Hague Judgements Convention.

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