School of Law Logo8:56am 03/06/2025

BLSA Moot Court Team to Compete in Cincinnati

Karmen Gaines, 3L, and Stephanie Avant, 3L, recently competed at BLSA’s Southern Regional Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition. Gaines and Avant wrote and won an award for the Best Petitioner Brief, and they advanced to the knockout rounds of the competition, ultimately coming in Second Place and advancing to the National Competition rounds.

Anil Mujumdar, Visiting Lecturer in Law, and Anita Kay Head, Associate Professor of Legal Writing, coached the team. The team is grateful to Professors Boone, Fair, Ksobiech, Ray, and Rosen, along with Tempe Smith (’10) and Devan Byrd (’17), for judging practice rounds. The team also thanks Cameron Tipton, 3L, who assisted with scheduling rounds and compiling the bench brief.

Gaines and Avant will compete in the national rounds in Cincinnati in March.