School of Law Logo8:17pm 03/04/2025

Mock Trial Team Named Best Plaintiff’s Team

Drew Hertel, Mary Parrish Cobb, Emily Raines, and Noah Caldwell, all 2Ls, performed well at the 56th Annual Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny County Mock Trial Tournament held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

In the Law School’s second year participating in this tournament, the team was named best Plaintiff’s team in the competition. Hertel and Cobb received individual awards as the No. 1 and No. 2 best advocates in the tournament. Raines and Caldwell served as witnesses and helped the team advance to the final round against the competition’s best Defense team.

The competition problem is based on the record from an actual case. It includes real pleadings, discovery responses, deposition transcripts, and medical records. The team members examined and cross-examined medical doctors who played the roles of a treating physician and a defense expert. Participants tried the case before a mock jury of high school students, and a federal judge presided over the case.

While the team won the jury verdict in the final round, it was edged out in the scoring.

Professor Yuri Linetsky coached the team, while Ben Edwards, 3L, served as student coach.