School of Law Logo12:43pm 03/11/2025

Year: 2023

  • Professor Vance Featured on BBC Podcast

    Professor Joyce Vance was recently a guest on BBC’s America’s Podcast, The President in the Pub. Click this link to listen to her discuss what can happen when the legal system gets personal and why it could go as far as the Supreme Court, around the 24:50 mark.

  • Professor Herrine Quoted in USA Today

    Professor Luke Herrine was quoted in a USA Today article titled Supreme Court greenlights student loan forgiveness for defrauded borrowers. What’s next? Click here to read the full article. 

  • Professor Acevedo Awarded a Fulbright Fellowship

    Professor Deepa Das Acevedo was awarded a Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship for the 2024–25 academic year, during which she will be a visiting member of the National Law School of India University in Bengaluru. Click this link to read more about the Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship. 

  • Professor Gold’s articles accepted into Arizona State and Alabama Law Reviews

    Professor Russell Gold’s article, Paying for Prosecution, has been accepted for publication in volume 56 of the Arizona State Law Journal.  His article The Public Voice of the Defender, has been accepted for publication in volume 75 of the Alabama Law Review (co-authored with Kay Levine).

  • Professor Elliott’s Article Reviewed on Jotwell

    Professor James E. Pfander of Northwestern Law School recently wrote a review on JOTWELL of Professor Heather Elliott’s Iowa Law Review article, Original Discrimination: How the Supreme Court Disadvantages Plaintiff States, identifying it as one of the best works of recent scholarships relating to courts law. To read the full review, click here.

  • Professor Hamill Featured as an Expert by WalletHub

    Professor Susan Pace Hamill was featured as an expert in WalletHub’s recent Infographic about Tax Day 2023. To view the piece, click here.

  • Governor Ivey Reappoints Professor Rosen to the Uniform Law Commission

    Governor Kay Ivey recently reappointed Professor Ken Rosen to represent Alabama on the Uniform Law Commission for a term running through April 4, 2027.  The ULC, also called the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, dates its origins to the nineteenth century.  Commissioners have included lawyers who would become leading academics, cabinet members,…

  • Professsor Yonathan Arbel’s Articles Accepted into UC Irvine, North Carolina, and Harvard Law Journals

    Professor Yonathan Arbel recently has had multiple articles accepted into prominent law journals. A Status Theory of Defamation Law has been accepted into the UC Irvine Law Review. This article demonstrates that a status theory of defamation law offers a more appealing framework—descriptively, functionally, and normatively—than the current menu of explanatory options. Read the forthcoming…

  • Carol Andrews ABA National Moot Court Team awarded Regional Co-Champions

    The Carol Andrews ABA National Moot Court Team was recently named Co-Champions of the Oklahoma City Regional for the ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition. The team consisting of Trent Gill (2L), Marjorie Head (3L), and Julianne Lyn (3L) earned the Best Brief Award for the Region, with Trent bringing home the award for 7th Best Advocate…

  • Professor Ray Published Article in North Carolina Law Review

    Professor Shalini Ray’s article, Noncitizen Harboring and the Freedom of Association, was recently published in the North Carolina Law Review.