Year: 2020
Professor Vars Publishes Article on Red Flag Laws in Probate and Property Magazine
Professor Fredrick E. Vars, along with Ian Ayres of Yale Law School, published an article in the ABA’s Probate & Property magazine about red flag laws that remove guns from people who are considered too dangerous to have firearms. Surprisingly, two-thirds of gun owners say they support red flag laws. For more, read “Gun Trust as…
Professor Krotoszynski: Government Can Require Masks
Professor Ronald Krotoszynski appeared on WWL and discussed whether the government can require citizens to wear masks during the pandemic. For more, read “Law professor: Government Can Indeed Require Masks.”
Alabama Law Welcomes PLUS Participants for Virtual Program
The Alabama School of Law welcomes the third class of the Alabama LSAC Pre-Law Undergraduate Scholars Program. The PLUS program, funded by a $300,000 grant from the Law School Admission Council, helps prepare students for the law school admission process, success in law school, and careers in the legal profession. This year, the Law School…
Alabama Law Student Receives Peggy Browning Fellowship
The Peggy Browning Fund has awarded a paid fellowship to Rubayet Lasker, a rising 2L. Lasker said she is honored to receive the fellowship, which will help her connect and network with other law students who have similar interests around the country. During her fellowship, Lasker will work at Adelante Alabama Worker Center in Birmingham….
Alabama Law Alumnae Featured in National Law Journal Article
Several Alabama Law alumnae are featured in The National Law Journal for their work on an amicus brief on behalf of the United States Conference of Mayors. The article names Jade Sipes (’12), Sharonda Childs Fancher (’13), Madeline Hughes (’18), and Xeris Gregory (’19). For more, read “How Women in Big Law Are Stepping Into the Court Fight…
Health Care Transactions Moot Court Team Wins Second Place for Memorandum
Alicia Gilbert, Logan Moore, and Lita Waggoner, all rising 3Ls, represented the Law School in this year’s Bryant National Health Care Transactional Moot Court Competition, originally scheduled to have occurred a few months ago in Chicago. While the competition itself was canceled on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, prizes were nevertheless awarded recently for the best-written submissions. The competition…
Professor Vance Weighs in on Firing of U.S. Attorney
Professor Joyce White Vance writes an op-ed for TIME magazine about the firing of a U.S. attorney. For more, read “Americans Need to Know the Truth about William Barr’s Friday Night Massacre. We Can’t Afford to Wait.”
Professor Krotoszynski: Bolton Has Right to Publish Book
Professor Ronald Krotoszynski writes an op-ed for about President Donald Trump’s efforts to stop the release of former national security advisor John Bolton’s memoir. For more, read “John Bolton Has a Clear First Amendment Right to Publish His Book.”
Professor Ray Weighs in on Supreme Court’s Decision on DACA
Professor Shalini Bhargava Ray is quoted in an article about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that the Trump administration cannot carry out its plan to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. For more, read “Supreme Court Ends ‘Sleepless Nights’ for Thousands of Dreamers in Alabama.”
Professor Carroll Weighs in on Releasing Inmates in Alabama During Pandemic
Professor Jenny Carroll appears on WVUA and discusses releasing low-risk inmates in Alabama during the pandemic. COVID BEHIND BARS, PART 1: EARLY RELEASE SUGGESTED FOR LOW-RISK INMATES