Year: 2020
Professor Grove Comments on What a Second Term for President Trump Could Mean for Judiciary
Professor Tara Leigh Grove is quoted in a Bloomberg story about what a Trump reelection could mean for the federal judiciary. For more, read “Trump’s Court Redo Is Set to Be Even Broader If He Wins New Term.”
Professor Steinman Reviews Article on Laughter at the Supreme Court
Professor Adam Steinman reviews a recent article by Tonja Jacobi and Matthew Sag, Taking Laughter Seriously at the Supreme Court, 72 Vand. L. Rev. 1423 (2019). For more, read “No Laughing Matter.”
Professor Ray to Present Paper at Yale Roundtable
Professor Shalini Bhargava Ray is scheduled to present her paper, “Abdication Through Enforcement,” this fall at the 2020 Administrative Law New Scholarship Roundtable. The article argues a president can abdicate his duty of faithful execution in immigration law by enforcing the law, for example, by deporting deportable noncitizens without adequately supervising line officers’ exercise of enforcement discretion.
Professor Ray Publishes Article on Law of Rescue
Professor Shalini Bhargava Ray published The Law of Rescue, 108 Calif. L. Rev. 619 (2020). This article analyzes humanitarian aid to migrants at the border in the context of laws of rescue.
Professor Steinman Publishes Article on Notice Pleadings after Iqbal Decision
Professor Adam Steinman recently published Notice Pleading in Exile, 41 Cardozo L. Rev. 1057 (2020). This article—part of a symposium commemorating the Iqbal decision’s tenth anniversary—highlights decisions during those ten years that have continued to endorse notice pleading despite Iqbal. It also argues that those decisions reflect the best way to read the Iqbal decision.
Alabama Law Welcomes the Class of 2023
Dean Mark E. Brandon welcomed the Class of 2023 on Monday, August 10, for First-Year Orientation. More than 50 percent of the 129 class members are women, and 21 percent identify as members of a racial or ethnic minority. The members of the Class of 2023 have studied, lived, or worked in 34 countries outside…
Professor Grove Comments on President Trump’s Executive Order on Prescription Drug Pricing
Professor Tara Leigh Grove is quoted by NPR about an executive order that is designed to lower the cost of prescription drugs. For more, read “‘All Bark And No Bite’: Trump Holds Prescription Drug-Pricing Order In Search Of Deal.”
Professor Dillbary Publishes Article about Incentivized Torts
Professor Shahar Dillbary, along with Cherie Metcalf of Queen’s University and Brock Stoddard of Appalachian State University, published Incentivized Torts: An Empirical Analysis. The article finds that subjects can be just as likely to commit a tort under a liability regime as they would be when facing no tort liability.
Professor Steinman Publishes Article on 2018 Amendments to Rule 23
Professor Adam Steinman, along with Attorney Elizabeth Cabraser of Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, published an article, What Is a Fair Price for Objector Blackmail? Class Actions, Objectors, and the 2018 Amendments to Rule 23, 24 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 549 (2020). This article examines a recent amendment to Rule 23 that offers a…
Professor Linetsky Weighs in on Use of Tear Gas against Protesters
Professor Yuri Linetsky is quoted by The Pew Charitable Trusts about bans on police using tear gas against protesters. For more, read “Tear Gas Bans: A Policing Change Not Gaining Traction.”