School of Law Logo7:09pm 03/04/2025

Year: 2019

  • Krotoszynski: Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 Is “Deeply Flawed”

    Professor Ronald Krotoszynski writes an op-ed for The Los Angeles Times about the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989. For more, read “Good Luck to the Whistleblower Who Reported Trump’s Ukraine Call. He or She Needs It.”

  • Visiting Lecturer Anil Mujumdar Comments on Wrongful Death Claim against Federal Government

    Professor Anil Mujumdar, a visiting lecturer at The University of Alabama School of Law, is quoted in The New York Times about the estate of James (Whitey) Bulger’s wrongful death claim against the federal government over Bulger’s fatal beating in prison.  For more, read “What Victims’ Families Think of the Whitey Bulger Wrongful Death Claim.”

  • Professor Vance Discusses Questions of Law, Politics, and National Security on Talking Feds Podcast

    Professor Joyce White Vance discusses questions of law, politics, and national security on the Talking Feds Podcast. The discussion comes after a whistle-blower expressed concern about President Donald Trump’s actions.  For more, listen to the podcast, “The Whistle is Blowing.“

  • Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Speaks at Alabama Law

    Professor James Forman, Jr., of Yale Law School, spoke at Alabama Law today about his book, Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America. Professor Forman said he wrote the book for two reasons. First, he wanted to write a book that was “rooted in black politics, black intellectual history, and black cultural…

  • Alabama Law Student Discusses New Entrepreneurship Clinic

    Law Student Rachel Parker discusses Alabama Law’s new Entrepreneurship & Nonprofit Clinic on WVUA. For more, visit The Edge: Law Student Rachel Parker Discusses Entrepreneurial Clinic.

  • Professor Vars Discusses His Proposal to Decrease Suicides

    Professor Fred Vars is quoted extensively in an story about his proposal for a waiting period for firearms. His proposal would allow Alabama residents to voluntarily suspend their ability to purchase a gun. For more, read “Proposed Waiting Period for Firearms Aims to Save Lives of Suicidal Alabamians.”

  • September 2019

    News James Forman, Jr. to Speak at Alabama Law James Forman, Jr. is scheduled to speak at noon Friday, September 20 in the Bedsole Moot Court Room. Professor Forman, of Yale Law School, won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in nonfiction for his book, “Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America.” “Locking Up…

  • Professor Steinman Discusses the State of Pleadings and Personal Jurisdiction in Federal Courts

    Professor Adam Steinman, a co-author of Wright & Miller’s Federal Practice & Procedure, was interviewed by Professor Arthur Miller, founding author of the treatise, on the state of pleadings and personal jurisdiction in federal courts. The interview on Legal Current is part of a podcast series that is marking the 50th anniversary of the first…

  • James Forman, Jr. to Speak at Alabama Law

    James Forman, Jr. is scheduled to speak at noon Friday, September 20 in the Bedsole Moot Court Room. Professor Forman, of Yale Law School, won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in nonfiction for his book, “Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America.” “Locking Up Our Own” examines the complex and often conflicted history…

  • Professor Elliott Comments on Water Policy in Alabama

    Professor Heather Elliott is quoted in The Montgomery Advertiser about water policy in Alabama and the effect that could have on water and wildlife. For more, read “Climate and Change: In Farming, Questions of Heat and Water.“