School of Law Logo9:44am 03/10/2025

Year: 2018

  • Professor Vars: Gun Waiting Periods Can Prevent Suicides

    Professor Fred Vars (along with Griffin Edwards, Erik Nesson, and Joshua Robinson) writes an op-ed for USA Today about how gun purchase waiting periods don’t stop mass shootings but can prevent suicides. For more, read “Gun Purchase Waiting Periods Are a Powerful Way to Prevent Suicides and Save Lives.”

  • Civil Law Clinic Wins Visitation Rights for Grandmother

    After almost three years of litigation in Alabama trial and appellate courts, The University of Alabama School of Law Civil Law Clinic secured and defended a grandmother’s right to visitation with her grandchild. Under Alabama law, when a child is adopted by a close relative, a grandparent is entitled to visitation when maintaining the familial…

  • Professor Hamill Comments on Limited Liability Companies in the Housing Market

    Professor Susan Pace Hamill is quoted in The New York Times about the secrecy of limited liability companies. For more, read “Anonymous Owner, L.L.C.: Why It Has Become So Easy to Hide in the Housing Market.”

  • Alabama Law Clinic, Alumni Win Case That Expands Access to Justice for Tenants in Alabama

    The University of Alabama School of Law’s Civil Law Clinic, along with Alabama Law alumni at Winston & Strawn, LLP, scored a critical win for a Tuscaloosa single mother. In the process, they changed the law to better protect vulnerable tenants statewide. Bridgette Morrow leased a home for her family in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. But the…

  • Frank S. James to Deliver Commencement Address

    Frank S. James (’78) , who was a shareholder for more than 25 years at what is now the law firm of Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell and Berkowitz, P.C., will deliver The University of Alabama School of Law commencement address at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 6 at Coleman Coliseum. James is a 1978 graduate of…

  • Professor Vance Discusses President Trump’s Reaction to Russia Investigation

    Professor Joyce White Vance is quoted in The Washington Post about President Trump’s Reaction to the Russia investigation. For more, read “Trump Keeps Saying He’s Innocent. So Why Does He Keep Sounding Like He’s Guilty?“

  • Professor Hill: Bermuda and the Cayman Islands Provide Tax Neutrality Instead of Anonymity

    Professor Julie Hill is quoted in The Tennessee Star about how it is more difficult to engage in money laundering in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. For more, read “The Connection Between Russia and Two Green Groups Fighting Fracking in U.S.”

  • Professor Gold Wins CLEA Award for Excellence in Public Interest

    Professor Allyson E. Gold, Assistant Professor of Clinical Legal Instruction and Director of the Elder Law Clinic, will be honored with the 2018 Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) Award for Excellence in a Public Interest Case or Project for work she supervised for the Health Justice Project in Chicago. CLEA established the award to honor and recognize…

  • Ceremony Celebrates Research by Alabama Law Faculty

    Two members of The University of Alabama School of Law faculty were honored for their research contributions at Faculty Research Day. As part of the celebration, Professors Jenny Carroll and Heather Elliott were recognized as recipients of the President’s Faculty Research Award during a ceremony April 17 in the Bryant Conference Center on the UA campus. Professor…

  • Alabama Law Hosts Symposium on Gender Inequality

    Legal scholars visited The University of Alabama School of Law April 13 to discuss gender inequality. The symposium on Gender Inequality after 55 Years of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 recognized the broader goals of the Equal Pay Act, celebrated the successes achieved since its enactment, and invited leading scholars to lay the foundation…