School of Law Logo2:51am 03/06/2025

Year: 2015

  • Professor Linetsky Discusses Cell Phone Video Used In Criminal Cases

    Prof. Yuri Linetsky recently told WVUA that cell phone video can provide crucial information in criminal cases. “I’ve seen a number of cases where it has helped police officers, exonerated them against unsubstantiated or improper citizen complaints,” Linetsky said. “It is a helpful thing.”  

  • April 2015

    Students Visit Grand Cayman Professor Julie A. Hill and 19 Law School students recently traveled to Grand Cayman as part of the offshore financial transactions course. Students met with more than a dozen attorneys, accountants, bankers, regulators and finance professionals. Cayman has worked to move from a jurisdiction known primarily for financial secrecy to a…

  • Professor Joyner Says Iran Made ‘Significant Concessions’ In Nuclear Deal Framework

    Prof. Joyner recently told Mother Jones that Iran made “significant concessions” in the Iranian nuclear deal. Joyner said: “Overall I think the framework of agreement is a very good one. Iran definitely made some very significant concessions. In fact, one might be forgiven for thinking that, with all of the specificity placed on Iranian concessions,…

  • Law School To Host Rights of States In International Law Workshop and Symposium

    The University of Alabama School of Law will host a Rights of States in International Law workshop and symposium April 13-14. The Law School will welcome eight distinguished visitors:   Dr. Helmut Aust, Humboldt University of Berlin Professor Niki Aloupi, University of Strasbourg Professor Jean d’Aspremont – University of Manchester Dr. Stephen Neff, University of…

  • Alabama Power CEO To Deliver Law School Commencement Address

    Mark Crosswhite, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Alabama Power Company, will deliver the University of Alabama School of Law commencement address at 5:30 p.m. May 2 at Coleman Coliseum. Crosswhite, ’87,  joined Alabama Power in 2006 as senior vice president and counsel, where he oversaw the company’s legal matters. Two years later, he…

  • Public Interest Institute, Student Board Organize Pro Bono Spring Break

    Nineteen students participated in five pro bono legal clinics during Spring Break, in coordination with the Tuscaloosa Veterans Administration, Habitat for Humanity, Legal Services Alabama, Project Homeless Connect, the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association, and the State Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program.  In addition, 18 volunteer attorneys participated in the various clinics, and more than 85 low-income…

  • Law School Students Visit Grand Cayman

    Prof. Julie A. Hill and 19 University of Alabama School of Law students recently traveled to Grand Cayman as part of the offshore financial transactions course.  Students met with more than a dozen attorneys, accountants, bankers, regulators and finance professionals. Cayman has worked to move from a jurisdiction known primarily for financial secrecy to a…

  • Register Now For Law School Reunion

    Is this your reunion year? Next month, in conjunction with the University of Alabama A-Day weekend, we will celebrate the milestone classes of 1964 & 1965 (50 years), 1974 & 1975 (40 years), 1984 & 1985 (30 years), 1989 & 1990 (25 years), 1994 & 1995 (20 years), and 2004 & 2005 (10 years). Please…

  • Professor Gross Writes Amicus Brief In Support of Hinds County Public Defenders Office

    The National Association of Public Defenders recently filed an amicus brief to support the independence of the Hinds County Public Defenders Office. Prof. John Gross wrote the amicus brief that says fairness in the criminal process and the accuracy of court judgments in Hinds County have been compromised by Circuit Judge Jeff Weill’s decisions to…

  • Professor Joyner Says IAEA Is Not Qualified To Judge Credibility Of Intelligence Independently

    Prof. Joyner recently told Fars News Agency that documents indicating the CIA attempted to mislead the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran’s nuclear program show that providing misleading information is the agency’s strategy and that the IAEA is not qualified to weigh the credibility of CIA intelligence. “I think this incident does significantly undermine the…