School of Law Logo11:25am 03/05/2025

Year: 2011

  • Criminal Law Symposium

    Podcast for The University of Alabama’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law Review’s Feb. 11 Symposium discussing the viability of the “rotten social background” defense to criminal charges. The Symposium commemorates the fortieth anniversary of Chief Judge Bazelon’s opinion, and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Prof. Richard Delgado’s article “Rotten Social Background: Should…

  • James Honored at Banquet

    Frank James ’78, was honored during the annual Farrah Banquet as the 2011 recipient of the Sam W. Pipes Distinguished Alumnus Award,  The Pipes Award is given to an outstanding alumnus who has distinguished himself or herself through service to the bar, the University of Alabama, and the School of Law.

  • Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction Announced

    To celebrate the 50 years since publication of To Kill a Mockingbird, The University of Alabama School of Law and the ABA Journal, “The Lawyer’s Magazine,” will be awarding the First Annual Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction. It will be awarded annually to a published book-length work of fiction that best exemplifies the role…