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JD/Masters in Civil Engineering

Separately, the Juris Doctor (JD) requires a minimum of 90 hours and the Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) requires a minimum of 30 hours, totaling 120 credit hours. The dual JD/MSCE program allows up to 12 credit hours of specified CE electives to count towards the JD and a maximum of 12 credit hours of specified LAW courses to count towards the MSCE. The joint degree program, however, requires a minimum of 96 credit hours total (versus 120 credit hours) for both degrees.

Students in the joint JD/MSCE degree program will follow the first year curriculum (31 hours) prescribed by the Law School (see below). The joint degree program effectively begins after the first year of the JD curriculum is complete. Joint JD/MSCE students will work with advisors from both programs prior to their third semester to assure an appropriate plan of study is developed and progress is made to satisfy the requirements of both degrees.

Joint JD-MSCE Degree Requirements