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Five Years of Subtle Shifts on Supreme Court

NPR’s Neal Conan and Nina Totenberg’s recent “Talk of the Nation” segment, “Five Years Of Subtle Shifts On Supreme Court,” included references to Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts, Jr.’s March 9th remarks at Alabama Law. You may view the full lecture and Q&A on, the law school website, or on iTunes U.

Professor Bucy on NPR’s “All Things Considered”

Professor Pam Bucy recently spoke with NPR regarding the Justice Department investigating allegations of misconduct within the Alabama Legislature. A podcast of the full story is available at: “Alabama Gambling Battle Draws Justice Scrutiny

Wall Street Journal Quotes Stein

Alabama Law professor Norman Stein discusses the precarious state of some private pension plans in the April 1, 2010 Wall Street Journal article, “Private-Firm Pensions Face Deadline for Funding Level.”

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. Delivers Lecture at Alabama Law

On Tuesday, March 9, the Chief Justice of the United States, John G. Roberts, Jr., delivered the University of Alabama School of Law’s spring 2010 Albritton Lecture. He is the ninth U.S. Supreme Court Justice since 1996 to lecture at the School of Law. Following his remarks, Chief Justice Roberts fielded questions from Alabama’s law students for approximately 45 minutes. You may view the full lecture and Q&A on, the law school website, or on iTunes U. You may download the podcast mp3 file here.

The Albritton Lecture series was established by Judge William Harold Albritton III, a 1960 Alabama Law alumnus and Senior Judge on the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama.

The Law School’s previous Albritton Lecture, in fall 2009, was presented by U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. The Honorable Beverley McLachlin, who serves as Canada’s first female Supreme Court Chief Justice, delivered the spring 2009 Albritton Lecture.

Alabama Law’s forthcoming fall 2010 Albritton Lecturer will be The Honorable Robert S. French, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia.

Questions regarding the event should be directed to Aaron Latham at (205) 348-5195 or

*Previous Lectures at Alabama Law by U.S. Supreme Court Justices*
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas (2009 & 2005)
Associate Justice Samuel Alito (2007)
Associate Justice Stephen Breyer (2006)
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (2004)
Chief Justice William Rehnquist (2003)
Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (1999)
Associate Justice Antonin Scalia (1999)
Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy (1996)

Law’s Impact on College Athletics

Gene Marsh, Alabama law professor and former NCAA Committee on Infractions chair, is interviewed in Sports Illustrated’s recent article, “An inside look at the NCAA’s secretive Committee on Infractions.”